The X-men run missions and work together with the NYPD, striving to maintain a peaceful balance between humans and mutants. When it comes to a fight, they won't back down from protecting those who need their help.
Haven presents itself as a humanitarian organization for activists, leaders, and high society, yet mutants are the secret leaders working to protect and serve their kind. Behind the scenes they bring their goals into reality.
From the time when mutants became known to the world, SUPER was founded as a black-ops division of the CIA in an attempt to classify, observe, and learn more about this new and rising threat.
The Syndicate works to help bring mutantkind to the forefront of the world. They work from the shadows, a beacon of hope for mutants, but a bane to mankind. With their guiding hand, humanity will finally find extinction.
Since the existence of mutants was first revealed in the nineties, the world has become a changed place. Whether they're genetic misfits or the next stage in humanity's evolution, there's no denying their growing numbers, especially in hubs like New York City. The NYPD has a division devoted to mutant related crimes. Super-powered vigilantes help to maintain the peace. Those who style themselves as Homo Superior work to tear society apart for rebuilding in their own image.
MRO is an intermediate to advanced writing level original character, original plot X-Men RPG. We've been open and active since October of 2005. You can play as a mutant, human, or Adapted— one of the rare humans who nullify mutant powers by their very existence. Goodies, baddies, and neutrals are all welcome.
Short Term Plots:Are They Coming for You?
There have been whispers on the streets lately of a boogeyman... mutant and humans, young and old, all have been targets of trafficking.
The Fountain of Youth
A chemical serum has been released that's shaving a few years off of the population. In some cases, found to be temporary, and in others...?
MRO MOVES WITH CURRENT TIME: What month and year it is now in real life, it's the same for MRO, too.
Fuegogrande: "Fuegogrande" player of The Ranger, Ion, Rhia, and Null
Neopolitan: "Aly" player of Rebecca Grey, Stephanie Graves, Marisol Cervantes, Vanessa Bookman, Chrysanthemum Van Hart, Sabine Sang, Eupraxia
Ongoing Plots
Magic and Mystics
After the events of the 2020 Harvest Moon and the following Winter Solstice, magic has started manifesting in the MROvere! With the efforts of the Welldrinker Cult, people are being converted into Mystics, a species of people genetically disposed to be great conduits for magical energy.
The Pharoah Dynasty
An ancient sorceress is on a quest to bring her long-lost warrior-king to the modern era in a bid for global domination. Can the heroes of the modern world stop her before all is lost?
Are They Coming for You?
There have been whispers on the streets lately of a boogeyman... mutant and humans, young and old, all have been targets of trafficking.
What if the human race began to adapt to the mutant threat? What if the human race changed ever so subtly... without the x-gene.
The lost city of Atlantis has been found! Refugees from this undersea mutant dystopia have started to filter in to New York as citizens and businessfolk. You may make one as a player character of run into one on the street.
Got a plot in mind?
MRO plots are player-created the Mods facilitate and organize the big ones, but we get the ideas from you. Do you have a plot in mind, and want to know whether it needs Mod approval? Check out our plot guidelines.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 29, 2013 4:58:00 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
"Theoretically," Aiden said quietly and awkwardly. Why was she so excited, exactly? It wasn't amazing or useful or anything. He supposed it was cool in a literal sense, but he couldn't even use it to keep himself from overheating. Try as he might in quiet, private moments where he actually had any interest whatsoever in trying at all, he simply couldn't repeat the unpredictable appearance of snowflakes that taunted him on his runs and had prompted a far-too-unpleasant few days.
Not thinking about that time was probably for the best. Even his pride shied away from considering it. Yeah.... time to think about other things.
He shrugged for Liz. "More like useless and tied to nasty side effects," he replied, trying to help her see why it really wasn't something to get worked up about. Fortunately, Rufus returned just then, evidently tired of fetching the stick and wanting to.... play tug of war? He gingerly took a hold of the end of the stick farthest from the dog's teeth and gave it a tentative wiggle. Apparently that was what the dog wanted. Carefully participating as desired while being very careful of the nearby teeth, he blinked in surprise when Liz spoke again.
Not sure how he was supposed to respond to such a blatantly subject-changing comment. "Um.... it's hot?" he offered awkwardly. He was pretty sure they had already covered the current conditions very well.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 28, 2013 21:07:00 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
"Seeing as how I think it hit seven digits, I think it's safe to say they did." So much money. He did have to shake his head at Clyde's declared allegiance, though. "Being on any sort of team kind of associates you with it too much, don't you think? And it sounds like you need to practice your driving a bit more." That... was almost a laugh. Did he seriously make a joke? Really? What was with this guy?
"Use both, use one, add things, ignore things. All the attempts at personalization have succeeded in doing is make it impossible for them all to get around. They all want to be right, and most of them can't take the idea that someone or something else might be as or more right than they are, even if it doesn't necessarily mean that they themselves are wrong."
Darn it, this conversation was too active. He might still be sitting still, and it might be just as environmentally calm as before, but the effort required to converse was starting to tell. Aiden tried to be subtle as he adjusted his ponytail to let more air reach the back of his neck. Borderline almost-not-too-hot seemed to be too-hot-with-company. This place really should have accessible freezers of sufficient size and design to allow people like him to make effective use of them.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 27, 2013 10:26:42 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Was it normal for people to just drift off in the middle of a conversation like that? He had already established that Liz was at least a little odd, so... maybe it wasn't so strange for her. Maybe she did it all the time. If that were the case, reacting to her behaviour would probably be unnecessary and rather rude.
"I used to like summer," Aiden said a little absently, as if he hadn't even noticed her lapse into silence. He had the dog to play with, after all, so it wasn't anywhere near as awkward a situation as it could be. "I might have to move to the arctic or something to be able to enjoy it now, though." You know... it was a little awkward, talking about this, but he had to admit that it was nowhere near as bad as he had feared. They'd kind of slid onto the subject after all, so he hadn't really had time to think about it, but it wasn't that bad.
Nope, now it was. Apparently he was also not as solid on the whole accepting-what-he-did front as he had thought he was getting to be, given that he had to catch a flinch and pretend he was just stretching to grab Rufus' stick. This was definitely awkward, because he now had plenty of time to ponder all the issues with telling Liz that he could (theoretically, somehow, mysteriously) make it snow (under not-really-known circumstances) and thus could cure that wistful expression and make her happy. Making people happy was good, but....
Sometimes he hated people. "Apparently.... that's kind of what I do..." he said quietly, forcing the words out in as much of a rush as he could manage while focussing almost all of his attention on Rufus. A small shard did stay on Liz, though, with a sidelong glance heavily imbued with a wariness just shy of pre-emptive panic.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 26, 2013 21:48:47 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Missed part? Aiden supposed the Clyde guy did kind of look a little distracted or something. Maybe he'd noticed whatever it was that Aiden had almost noticed? That could do it. "I met someone who kind of got dragged into the movie version of that horrible book that's so popular with preteen girls." Aiden rolled his eyes. "They paid him well, though."
A thought occurred to him. "Isn't there already kind of a sequel in the Bible, though? What with the Old and New Testaments and all?" He probably should get around to actually reading it properly. There'd always been one on the shelf, and he'd tried cracking it open a few years before, but the awkward language had chased him away in the first few words. It was too much like the stuff he had to read in English class, full of stuffy, formal phrases that had no proper flow and lilt to them. Had Conri ever read it? He thought so. He hoped so, anyway. He glanced briefly at the manga Bible. Would that count, maybe, as having read the real thing? Not that he expected or wanted to die any time soon, but that was rather obviously a poor excuse.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 26, 2013 20:58:34 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
When was anything ever simple? He shouldn't be at all surprised that Evelyn could think of multiple factors for the mysterious avoidances by her coworkers.
An anti-mutant family... would make things awkward in general, especially if they were, you know, actively anti-mutant and not just the normal ew-mutant-cross-the-road sort. Or, well, the can't-disown-them-so-send-them-to-boarding-school-in-March sort. Seriously mutant-unfriendly relatives would be very very unpleasant. Evelyn's relatives seemed to be attached to her nonetheless, though, if they were pulling strings to get her a job or keep it or whatever. Unless they just wanted her to be able to support herself so she wouldn't bother them? That could be the adult version of the can't-disown-them system.
Not being good with customers was hardly reason to avoid even trying to get along with someone, though. Think about it - he was getting on reasonably well with her, considering that they had nothing more in common than currently sleeping in a mansion for mutants and watching Howl's Moving Castle. Reasonably well for him, at least. There weren't exactly a lot of people he had ever felt anything less than uncomfortable around, so this moderate level of discomfort might even be significant.
More significant than the grounds Evelyn's self-blame was built on, at any rate. Aiden quirked an eyebrow at her, glancing at her sidelong though he didn't turn his head from the T.V. "Blaming yourself for things other people do usually doesn't turn out very well," he commented drily, voice soft enough that it could almost be considered an absentminded murmur. "So long as you didn't walk up to them and insult them and their brothers to their faces or something, if anyone's blaming you for being good at what you do or something, it's on them. You don't have to flaunt it, but you don't have to hide it to make them happy."
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 26, 2013 7:03:08 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
"You're annoying. Why are you so stubborn? It's hot, okay? Hot is bad. Maybe it just fried your brain already. Frying everything else." Like him. No, what was happening to him was somewhere between boiling and melting. Neither was good. Melting was probably less bad, though. Kind of appropriate too. Horrible but unpleasantly undeniably appropriate.
"Oversensitive implies that it isn't real or appropriate. You shouldn't say things like that," Aiden declared. It was rude to try to say that people were imagining things. Hadn't already Persi tried to say that he was seeing things before? Continuing in the same vein after Aiden had already proven him wrong on that very point was just weird. Oooh, ice cubes! Ice cubes would help!
Except getting up was gross and probably going to make him more miserable. Would their acquisition be worth the pain and effort? He pondered this very hard. It was a very serious matter, after all. To be completely and totally honest, he wasn't convinced that he was capable of staying on his feet long enough to find the ice cubes. Sure, he might be able to just climb in the freezer when he got there, since that might be nice, but it would be so hard... He cast a slyly contemplative glance in Persi's direction... or would have if his eyes were open, but it took too much effort to push them open right now. His head hurt too much to fall asleep, and anyway it was indeed far too hot to sleep, but being awake was hard too. He shifted enough to dig his head more comfortably into his mattress. "Good brothers would go get ice cubes," he said plaintively, just loud enough for it to be audible but still sound like he was talking to himself. Conri always got him soup when he was sick. What was wrong with getting ice cubes when he was hot?
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 23, 2013 19:42:51 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Messing with it does tend to go badly," Aiden mused. The other teen's next comment startled a snort out of him, and then he paused for a moment, entirely shocked at having actually come that close to laughing. Seriously? Well, it was funny... and it wasn't as if laughing was forbidden or anything. He just hadn't done anything like it in a while.
He readjusted to the situation almost too late to catch - something? His fading surprise resurfaced as confusion, but after a moment's pause spent eying the lost kid who no longer seemed interested in leaving, he put it aside as well and continued where he had left off. "I suppose this being so bad it becomes amazingly popular would be better than the current thing doing that continuing any more," he said quietly, "even if it does seem to turn out well for the people who got roped into it at random." He was, of course, referring to Cafas and the whole million dollar price tag thing. So much money...
"Oh, I'm Aiden," he added on quickly. Clyde. He could remember that. The name was soon stashed away in the little mental folder of people he had met at the mansion and not totally despised the guts of. That had a different folder. It was, fortunately, smaller than the not-despised personage folder.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 22, 2013 19:24:16 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Sorry this is late! Forgot to keep a closer eye on this. A thread would Kiva would be perfect right now, if you're still interested! I had a plottyful thought explosion a few minutes ago and realized that the perfect trigger for Ai's next phase of social/emotional development - would be meeting a visible mutant (and getting along with them, without any emotionally damaging horror stories about people targeting visible mutants or anything XD)!
If other people are watching, multiple visible mutants could be involved in giving Aiden the guts to try letting people see his silver eye. Possibly with (gentle) open encouragement, but that would probably best wait until Aiden trusts them at least a little.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 22, 2013 5:29:34 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Taking the book and skimming over both covers, Aiden had to admit that it sure looked like a straight-up conversion of the Bible into manga format. They must have dug up a pretty desperate artist to draw it, though he couldn't say the style or artistic quality was any worse than most other novels. He checked the artist's name, but fortunately it wasn't one he knew. Some newbie, probably, scrambling for enough work to make ends meet. Looked a bit more suited to shoujo than religion, though.
"Wow." What else was there to say? He flipped to the first page and skimmed into the book a bit. "If this is a parody, it's a really subtle one. I think they're actually serious." Interesting. Aiden really wasn't a Bible or churchy sort of guy, though he always kind of subconsciously figured that there was a God and Heaven and Hell and all that stuff, because so many people couldn't be totally off base (when he bothered to think about it at all, that was), but this still seemed... odd.
"If it works, probably just to cover themselves until they can make their own versions," Aiden said drily, passing the book back. "Given the shelf it was on, though, it's probably a total flop, one of the books the library could get dirt cheap because no one wanted it. So I figure most of the competition are just shaking their heads and laughing."
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 21, 2013 21:14:58 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Ah, anime: the most irrational, logically impossible reality imaginable where you could still find people laughing with scorn at the suggestion that the merely logically improbable could be included. Watching such occurrences was fairly amusing. Being involved in one probably wouldn't be, either as one of the sides arguing the legitimacy of such a point or as the inhabitant of such a world, but the peanut gallery had a pretty good view.
Aiden glanced over at Evelyn, surprised. "What? Why would they try to do that?" he asked. "You don't seem weird enough to avoid to me, especially as a coworker." Maybe it was the hyperawareness thing? That could set off some people, he supposed, but there were worse things out there, and probably plenty of completely normal who could ferret out at least some of the same information she theoretically could. She might not be a grand talker, but she was certainly more social than he was, and even he wasn't having too hard a time getting along with her, all things considered. "Sounds like they're being kind of rude and silly," he mused, looking back at the TV.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 21, 2013 20:38:37 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Aiden shrugged shyly and edged the sketchbook so it was a little more hidden and made him feel like she wasn't looking at it so much. "A dragon and a kelpie..." he said quietly. He could still pick out the curve of the dragon's neck as it struck at the kelpie with its fangs, the angle of the kelpie's powerful legs, but that was probably just his imagination and memory conspiring to taunt him with the picture's loss. "I could draw something similar, but it wouldn't be the same. You can never draw the same thing twice."
What did the crazy circus girl think she was doing now? Aiden twisted to follow her movements, only to realize that twisting was going to knock him over again and if he just turned around all the way there was a pointy nub of root digging into his backside. He hopped enough to catch his feet beneath him, finding it infinitely easier to balance without worrying about the sketchbook, and watched the weird mouse girl with confusion from an easy crouch. Her temporary accent made it far easier to follow her... jig? than her words, even when Adeline evidently translated her own blur of words.
Wow, the kid was good. He blinked and watched, rather amazed, as Adeline attempted and succeeded in doing what looked like that famous Russian or whatever thing. He'd seen it in the odd movie or show type deal, and some manga tried to involve it, but it really needed animation and was infinitely more impressive in live action than in animation.
And then she tossed a metaphorical giant sickle of doom with free biohazard bombs attached at him. That was fun, to choke with the shock and find his feet had already slipped out from under him and left him sitting on the root with his feet in the mud. Really, it was great fun?
He turned away from the still-dancing, utterly oblivious girl and stretched to collect his lost pencil. Cleaning it off occupied a few moments quite well, but not answering would be rude.... and no matter how rude she had been to ask like that, it wasn't right to be rude in return. He swallowed and tucked the pencil into the ring binding of the sketchbook. "I... make it snow sometimes," he said slowly. Deciding to accept the situation so did not make it easy to discuss it. "But mostly I don't get cold. I do get hot fast, though..." he trailed off, eyeing the sunny expanse of horror so nearby.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 21, 2013 20:01:04 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
A bit of a smart guy, huh? Well, Aiden had tried to help. He could take it or leave it, and Aiden was more than willing to leave his side of it alone. He had a book to fini-
Eventually. "Not for most people," he agreed noncommittally. His comfortable temperature range didn't agree with most people's, however, and he really didn't feel like explaining the rationale behind that to every Jimbob and Bobby Jane who wandered by with a dusting of curiosity.
The conversation seemed to be at an end, and Aiden was more than content to return to his book. Within a few focused moments, he had flipped to the back cover of the book and set it on his 'finished' pile. The next book was already in his hand when mister random smart guy Jimbob spoke up again. He was starting to sigh and reluctantly return his attention to his own species when the words sank in. "The Bible?" he asked, dubious. Why would anyone in their right mind make the Bible into a graphic novel? They'd kind of missed out on converting the illiterate by a few hundred years - stained glass windows in cathedrals and churches already had that niche. Plus this was a library. It wasn't exactly a haven for illiterate people. "It has to be a parody or a modernized retelling."
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 21, 2013 19:11:11 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
"I don't care if we're inside. It's hot. What, you think that just because I don't get cold I can't tell when it's hot?" He'd had enough of this. Persi thought this was annoying? Well it was way worse to someone at serious risk of overheating if they so much as got up and walked around the room! He didn't need this aggravation. His brain hadn't fried enough to keep from reminding him that he was in no shape to go anywhere else, though, so evidently the only way to solve this was to drive Persi away.
"I don't care what ski slopes do," Ai growled. He also wasn't interested in Persi's snarky answer. Couldn't he tell that Aiden was being rather sarcastic about what the request entailed, and see how inappropriate a request it truly was? "Well, I'd rather not overheat and die in some corner on the way. Just go already." If he weren't lying on his back with too little energy left to try to get up again, he would have fixed his roommate with the nastiest glare he could manage. "Really. Go." Then they could all get away from this conversation.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 21, 2013 14:47:35 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
"No it's not!" Aiden insisted, and struggled to force himself upright. He fought against the throbbing pain in his forehead from the change in pressure and angle, a hand splayed across the more painful right side of his face, and glared at Persi with his uncovered eye. "Why do you keep insisting it isn't hot?"
"Of course my school had science classes. Just because snow and ice are structurally similar doesn't make them the same. If you grind up ice, you don't get real snow. You can melt them both into water, but chucking that water into a freezer or whatever isn't going to give you back the snow." Heaving a sigh from the force of his rant, since his lungs really didn't want to cooperate all that much and it was kind of the most he'd said all at once in months, if not years, he shook his head disgustedly at Persi.
Stupid lazy annoying roommates. "You want me to go running around this place in this heat and who knows where else trying to find someone who may or may not exist, and then somehow miraculously convince them to deign to help a couple of random students with clichéd levels of emotional baggage?" Aiden snorted derisively and (carefully) lay back again. "Yeah, no. You can do that. Have fun."