The X-men run missions and work together with the NYPD, striving to maintain a peaceful balance between humans and mutants. When it comes to a fight, they won't back down from protecting those who need their help.
Haven presents itself as a humanitarian organization for activists, leaders, and high society, yet mutants are the secret leaders working to protect and serve their kind. Behind the scenes they bring their goals into reality.
From the time when mutants became known to the world, SUPER was founded as a black-ops division of the CIA in an attempt to classify, observe, and learn more about this new and rising threat.
The Syndicate works to help bring mutantkind to the forefront of the world. They work from the shadows, a beacon of hope for mutants, but a bane to mankind. With their guiding hand, humanity will finally find extinction.
Since the existence of mutants was first revealed in the nineties, the world has become a changed place. Whether they're genetic misfits or the next stage in humanity's evolution, there's no denying their growing numbers, especially in hubs like New York City. The NYPD has a division devoted to mutant related crimes. Super-powered vigilantes help to maintain the peace. Those who style themselves as Homo Superior work to tear society apart for rebuilding in their own image.
MRO is an intermediate to advanced writing level original character, original plot X-Men RPG. We've been open and active since October of 2005. You can play as a mutant, human, or Adapted— one of the rare humans who nullify mutant powers by their very existence. Goodies, baddies, and neutrals are all welcome.
Short Term Plots:Are They Coming for You?
There have been whispers on the streets lately of a boogeyman... mutant and humans, young and old, all have been targets of trafficking.
The Fountain of Youth
A chemical serum has been released that's shaving a few years off of the population. In some cases, found to be temporary, and in others...?
MRO MOVES WITH CURRENT TIME: What month and year it is now in real life, it's the same for MRO, too.
Fuegogrande: "Fuegogrande" player of The Ranger, Ion, Rhia, and Null
Neopolitan: "Aly" player of Rebecca Grey, Stephanie Graves, Marisol Cervantes, Vanessa Bookman, Chrysanthemum Van Hart, Sabine Sang, Eupraxia
Ongoing Plots
Magic and Mystics
After the events of the 2020 Harvest Moon and the following Winter Solstice, magic has started manifesting in the MROvere! With the efforts of the Welldrinker Cult, people are being converted into Mystics, a species of people genetically disposed to be great conduits for magical energy.
The Pharoah Dynasty
An ancient sorceress is on a quest to bring her long-lost warrior-king to the modern era in a bid for global domination. Can the heroes of the modern world stop her before all is lost?
Are They Coming for You?
There have been whispers on the streets lately of a boogeyman... mutant and humans, young and old, all have been targets of trafficking.
What if the human race began to adapt to the mutant threat? What if the human race changed ever so subtly... without the x-gene.
The lost city of Atlantis has been found! Refugees from this undersea mutant dystopia have started to filter in to New York as citizens and businessfolk. You may make one as a player character of run into one on the street.
Got a plot in mind?
MRO plots are player-created the Mods facilitate and organize the big ones, but we get the ideas from you. Do you have a plot in mind, and want to know whether it needs Mod approval? Check out our plot guidelines.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Aug 4, 2013 21:48:38 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Chances were that Clyde was being just as much of a liar as he had been on the whole not-in-dire-straights point. Ai didn't have the slightest clue as to why Clyde was having issues, since there was no sign of him sharing (or really understanding) his own heat-related problems, but who knew what sort of sensitivities he had instead? It wasn't as if Aiden had any idea what made Clyde suitable for habitation in this school, after all.
A moment later, Aiden was staring down an empty aisle. What was all that about? He should probably check to make sure Clyde wasn't dying or something just around the corner... but what if he was turning into some vicious beastie thing and he was terrified he was going to eat everyone? That wouldn't be very good to walk in on. What else could it be? Some sort of medication he was late for? That could potentially lead Clyde to be well on his way to dying some horrible death nearby. Aiden wasn't exactly a doctor, though. Medical stuff didn't normal crop up that quickly, though, did it? He didn't think so...
Great. Now he was going to wonder and worry about this until he found out what was going on. He couldn't leave his books strewn around, though, so he took a moment to tuck them back into their places on the shelf. Putting series away was easy, at least, and it wasn't long before he was hesitantly and sneakily peering around the corner of the first bookshelf. No sign of Clyde. Maybe he just needed some space? That had been a bit sudden and extreme, though... He edged around the corner just in time to catch sight of clothing similar to what he thought Clyde had been wearing disappear around another corner. Was he running? In a library? What was going on?
After glancing around and seeing no one around - part of the reason he had chosen this part of the library, after all - Aiden picked up his own pace to follow Clyde. This was just strange, but he would feel rather guilty if something happened to the guy and he could have helped.
.... Okay, he should be honest. His life would totally suck and everything would get really nasty again. So. Attempts to prevent any potential horrors or losses of life had to be made. There would be no more debate on that point without further information. Oh hey, snow was showing up again. Random and generally annoying, but look! No more heat! Aiden basked in the all-too-brief coolness before the snow melted again and he felt the room's heat once more. Well, most of the snow. The last few flakes were clinging to his shoulders and cheeks with their seriously disturbing refusal to melt. Rounding the last corner, he tried to brush away the stubborn bits of temperature-resistant water, and then stopped.
Those were the clothes he had seen Clyde in, yes? He just wasn't... a teenager any more. Weird was a place to start, he supposed. "I... take it you aren't dying some horrible sudden death?" he asked, a little hesitant but offering a (weak) touch of humour. He tried to compare the kid's face with the teenager's. Oh! Maybe he was like that guy in that one series, where he'd stopped aging because he got fused with a demon thing and ended up temporarily turning to how he would be after nearly dying and going all vampiric on his best friend.
On second thought, please let there be some non-anime-related explanation for this. He'd rather not get his blood sucked out.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Aug 3, 2013 21:42:25 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
What was he confused about? Clyde had put himself on a team that voiced its opposition but did nothing to follow through with its disagreement. Well, perhaps his morals got in the way of murdering a fictional character despite that character's well-documented crimes against humanity. Maybe they should just try Bellandonna as a war criminal.
Funny how people could fail to understand one thing but be far too observant a moment later... especially when the first instance would have made things far smoother and the occurrence of the latter just made things a pain. He was probably going to have to tell Clyde a few more of the scraps of understanding he'd gleaned about his abilities in order to satisfy him. Before he could speak, though, he got to be the observant one. Clyde definitely winced. What was he wincing for?
Ai eyed Clyde for a few moments, but he didn't see anything strange going on now. "Um.... are you okay?" he asked hesitantly. He was sure he had seen him wince, but....
Posted by Aiden Killian on Aug 3, 2013 21:08:03 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Some people were superb story tellers. Other people were rather better at showing why they should never tell stories to anyone. Ever. It was nice when it was obvious which category people fell into, though it was distinctly less pleasant to be stuck dealing with the latter despite the clear label. He could leave politely when the show ended, right? Or maybe this guy would get bored then and leave?
Please don't let this be a marathon. Let it end soon. Please.
Heh, opening up. Like that was going to happen. Aiden was perfectly happy being an unsocial recluse who never shared anything personal with anyone. Ever. He certainly wasn't going to break that system for this guy. "No offence, but if this is what friendship is, everyone on this planet is a complete lunatic." Really. They barely knew each others' names, had been in the same room for what, five minutes, and would probably have to scrape to come up with one sentence of trivial details about each other.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Aug 3, 2013 19:30:45 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Aiden didn't usually sit in trees, and certainly didn't usually draw in trees, but when he was looking for a place to sketch for a while people had just kept wandering past. As such, he eventually gave up and pulled a Persi, so to speak. He chose a very climbable tree, with large low branches spreading almost horizontally, and even if he had had to resort to stuffing his sketchbook under his shirt and then tucking the hem in while he did the actual climbing part, he did make it into the tree and to a reasonably comfortable fork.
It wasn't all that long before movement below caught his eye. The dark patch moving through the grass was far too small to be human, and once it slowed Ai realized that it was just a cat. Well, a cat that was clearly not a stray; it was in far too good a condition, as far as he could judge from the distance (and in a cat. Cats weren't his area of expertise). It was much too shiny and sleek, not bony and mangy like he'd expect of something living hand - er, paw - to mouth without reliable shelter or sustenance. No, this cat belonged to someone.
Whoever's it was, though, there was something about the posture it had just taken up - that sphinx he had been trying to draw the other day! Quickly flipping back through his sketchbook until he found it, he settled it on one knee so he could look between the page and the cat with barely a twitch of his head. That was why it wasn't working! His angles had been all wrong through the neck and shoulders. Clearing the flawed lines with broad strokes of his eraser, within a few minutes Ai had replaced them with more appropriate lines and was beginning to flesh out the sketch with light shading. The sphinx was far more ornate than the cat who had offered itself so politely as a model, but the structure of the head and torso were clearly reminiscent of the flesh-and-blood feline.
Er... tests? That didn't sound very promising. Whenever he read about people wanting to experiment on others, it invariably went badly. Especially for the person being experimented upon. Unfortunately, though, things seemed to go even worse when the would-be victims tried to protest or resist in any noticeable manner.
Still... she was talking about autopsies, and that really did not bode well.
So... be really nice and hope and pray and sign away his worthless soul on the off chance that it kept him on her good side long enough to escape unscathed (and alive)? Sounded like a plan.
Of course, what if she killed him by accident? She clearly didn't get that it was too hot to run, in or out of the shade. "I really don't think running now is going to help anything," he said tentatively, hoping she didn't decide now was a good time to try out the autopsying. "It's not exactly a frequent occurrence, and... well...." He trailed off, scuffing one shoe against the ground a little again as he hesitated. "I... don't really like running in front of people," he finished awkwardly, admitting the primary reason for his autopsy-risking hesitation.
You know, going back to the mansion and its overload of people (read: all properly air conditioned spots were always occupied by at least one other visible person, and therefore unusable) might be the best thing right about now. At the very least, there would be witnesses if things went weird. Oh! And since running indoors was usually frowned upon, going inside was a very good idea. "If we can get inside without frying, that's a pretty good idea." Darn, that was probably too much feeling. He should have been more neutral and less interested in going inside. Hopefully they could just amble safely back to the mansion and then he could weasel away and get back into his natural habitat.
Well, at least he didn't have to wonder if he had to be worried about her honest answer or not. She didn't have one. Just to make sure that she knew that too, though, he reached over so that sunlight spilled onto his hand. "Darn, no smoke and flames," he groaned, then found his shoulders kind of twitch in an almost laugh. That did serve to ease the awkwardness, at least. "And I must say that I prefer chocolate over blood. Not even a big fan of rare meat."
He surreptitiously withdrew his hand and wiped the fresh sweat off it onto the side of his t-shirt as soon as Liz spun around. He had no idea what she was up to, but he was starting to just chalk any oddities up to Liz being, well, Liz. The decision made it much easier to just shrug off anything weird she did. Like her current movements - oh, she was back. He hadn't been drying off his hand. The very notion was absurd.
He nodded as she spoke again, figuring it was easier to just go with it because she might, after all, be able to come up with something he hadn't been able to think of.
Or not. His expression fell flat. "Are you trying to kill me?" He glanced pointedly at the sun beaming down nearby, a cheerful sight still for essentially anyone else. He was so not running again. At least until evening, anyway, once things had cooled off again, however figurative the term was this summer.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 31, 2013 22:44:11 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
It was surprisingly interesting to watch Liz think. He didn't entirely agree with her phrasing, but the content was accurate as far as he could tell, and if she was pacing then she'd be far less likely to notice him hanging around awkwardly.
And then he froze when she suddenly shot towards him, caught off guard by her focus and vigour. What was she doing? Ooooh he shouldn't have gone along with this. He certainly shouldn't have shown her - hey! Why was she poking it?! Aiden reflexively jerked his arm away before his manners caught up and stopped it part way. Even if she was being weird and poking it, he had to be nice. Didn't he? Oh someone please say he didn't so that he could be rude and get as far away from all of this as he could.
All thoughts of escape fled, however, at Liz's low tone - and particularly at her words. She knew... what he was?
Well, he was a mutant. He'd already sorted that bit out. There was a particular phrase used to mark such obvious deductions, wasn't there? Something involving Sherlock Holmes. Hopefully he wouldn't have cause to legitimately consider having to use it aloud. It wasn't exactly a nice phrase, though it certainly did get the point across very quickly. For now, though, Aiden tried to slowly extract his arm so he could get the scar properly covered by his sleeve again. "And what.. is that?" he asked slowly, not quite completely sure he really wanted to hear the honest answer.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 31, 2013 21:19:53 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Ai fidgeted awkwardly and wished so very much that Rufus would come back. Apparently he was too boring to keep the dog's attention, though, and going and begging him to come back would be....
Yeah, he wasn't going to try that one any time soon.
"I don't really know how it works..." Aiden replied quietly, scuffing a small dent in the ground with the toe of one of his slowly aging shoes. He still spent as little time thinking about that as he possibly could, since excessive consideration of the subject had a habit of resulting in either complete insomnia or nightmares replaying what he did remember of that day and a great deal he imagined about it.
Liz's questions did help a bit, though, and at least gave him some framework to build off of. "Just me," he said, a trace of bitterness surfacing in his voice. "All... all I really know is that... well... I..." He stopped to swallow, still staring and digging at the ground, before continuing in a marginally more stable, if softer, voice. "I was in a car crash. That late blizzard near the end of April." April 20th. "I... I woke up in the hospital, but I was already healed when the paramedics showed up." He played with the hem of his right sleeve for a moment, then set his jaw and pulled it up far enough that the white scar could glitter in the light in its eerie way somewhere between natural and totally and completely freakishly insane.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 31, 2013 12:03:03 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
No no no don't wander off with the stick and leave him alone to deal with the strange blushing person. He didn't know what was going on or how he was supposed to react to crazy people like this! Staring after the stick-occupied dog only kept him from looking insanely awkward for a little bit.
"It's okay," he tried to say, but that seemed kind of... pathetic given how s was blushing and stammering about how she wasn't usually like this. This in general or a specific this that he had not been able to notice? He was, after all, hardly the most observant person to ever wander around in sunglasses all day and night.
Liz finally seemed able to regain control of herself, and Aiden politely (and gratefully) let his attention wander elsewhere until she finished. Her repeated apology was accepted, as should be expected, with a faint nod, and then he turned back to her and a wonderfully bad time. Get... what into the open, exactly? Statements like that were dangerous and he didn't like them. At all.
"Um..." he began awkwardly, rather lost on how he was supposed to respond to that. Avoid talking about himself or avoid thinking about just what she meant by animal possession? Horrible decisions were so very, very horrible. It wasn't fair. Um. He really really didn't want to think about what she said. Maybe if he didn't think about what she had said then she wouldn't think about what he said, because if he held off any longer her was going to look like he was floundering or trying to get out of answering. He was, but coming across that way would be rude.
"Um..." he said again, then swallowed. "Well... I don't really know. Not the mechanics or specifics or anything. Snow just... Randomly shows up sometimes, mostly while I'm running or something. And I don't get cold..." he trailed off for a moment. "And somehow healing fits into that. I'm... Kind of missing something. Really doesn't make sense as it is."
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 31, 2013 4:47:30 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Heh, being busy drawing and then have someone start talking to him should give him a nice shock Well, shall whoever has a free moment first start the thread? I have to head to work soon, unfortunately x.x
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 30, 2013 20:48:27 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
What? Why was she looking surprised now? He was the awkward and out of place one. She was the notice absolutely everything one. People who noticed everything shouldn't get surprised, should they?
Now he was quietly curious about what it was that had surprised her. What had occurred shortly before he had noticed her surprise? Um... something had happened on the T.V. He didn't really remember what. Evidently it hadn't been that surprising, so it probably wasn't it. Maybe it was -
Maybe it was foresight at how he was dying inside right now. That would about do it. He was definitely doing a lot of that inside at this particular span of moments. Too many moments. Too many moments of hideously awkward internally-rotting silence. "I... haven't really been one long enough to get around to another side of it," Aiden admitted in a flat tone. Please let her leave it at that. Please. Please. He didn't want to think about, much less talk about, how he had come to discover he was a mutant or what he so-called did or how the least the unwelcome protection could have done would have been to save other people or - no. He was just going to watch the T.V. That was all.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 30, 2013 20:21:26 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Aiden rolled his eyes, fully content to hide behind his sunglasses. Leon probably thought he was real funny, responding like that. He did have to grind his teeth a little at the little add-on, though, and especially at the way Leon emphasized it. Well, whether or not they escalated because the person with the issue rather depended on the issue, now didn't it? He could think of an easy handful of examples with a moment's thought.
What he said, however, was more carefully polite. "I have never been a people person, and as you can see I'm hardly staying away from people." He angled his head slightly more towards Leon. "Not that I'm dying to hear it or anything, but I don't hear you talking about your issues," he said pointedly, trying to edge the conversation away from himself. He really wasn't interested in some random stuck up guy's problems whatsoever, but it was better than being prodded and nagged about talking about himself. His life was his, and didn't need to be scrutinized and dissected by random passerby.
His stomach twisted and he tried to move his head back towards the T.V. slowly enough that it wouldn't look like he was running away. He had the presence of mind for that, at least, even if it was several very, very long seconds before he trusted himself to try to deflect the prying. "I... I'm not comfortable... dealing with people," he said at length. "I don't like most people. Hasn't changed." T.V. What was going on? He didn't have the faintest clue. He tried to look completely absorbed so that Leon might be put off asking more nasty questions and tried to feel completely absorbed so that he wouldn't think along nasty trains of thought.
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 30, 2013 19:50:33 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
Aiden probably won't be going near the living room for a while, considering how his thread there with Leon is headed XD He tends to prefer cool dark corners outside for his general time-killing, since he does like being outdoors but would really rather not risk dying from heatstroke (he's sensitive to heat thanks to his mutation). Is there anything in particular she likes to sketch? Aiden likes to draw as well, though he's guarded about it and too shy to approach someone else, but maybe they could end up drawing the same thing from different angles or something, and then notice each other? -musesmuses-
Posted by Aiden Killian on Jul 29, 2013 21:00:35 GMT -6
X-Men Trainee
the secret gay
Sept 12, 2017 15:21:55 GMT -6
"And putting an end to the madness is a bad thing how? The world needs more resolution, especially of insanity. Leaving things unfinished and unstable just makes things worse in the long run as they spiral out of control." There was no peace if no one ended things, no resolution. All the bad just kept swirling around, repeating themselves or their variants again and again and again. The twisted loops needed to stop.
Moving his hair only worked for a handful of moments, and even that was a superficial balm. He was probably going to have to get up and find somewhere calmer before he started seeing spots or getting dizzy again. He had so far managed to avoid fainting or collapsing, and he wanted to keep it that way.
It took a little longer than it should have to hear, process, and respond to Clyde's query. 'I'm fine," he said. "Just a little warm in here. Warm everywhere, this summer." He took a long, slow breath, held it, and then gradually let it soundlessly escape. Breathing helped with the heat. At least he wasn't outside or at a sunny window. The sunlight was far too harsh now that the muggy pressure of summer had set in. It, like most everything else, was simply too hot.