The X-men run missions and work together with the NYPD, striving to maintain a peaceful balance between humans and mutants. When it comes to a fight, they won't back down from protecting those who need their help.
Haven presents itself as a humanitarian organization for activists, leaders, and high society, yet mutants are the secret leaders working to protect and serve their kind. Behind the scenes they bring their goals into reality.
From the time when mutants became known to the world, SUPER was founded as a black-ops division of the CIA in an attempt to classify, observe, and learn more about this new and rising threat.
The Syndicate works to help bring mutantkind to the forefront of the world. They work from the shadows, a beacon of hope for mutants, but a bane to mankind. With their guiding hand, humanity will finally find extinction.
Since the existence of mutants was first revealed in the nineties, the world has become a changed place. Whether they're genetic misfits or the next stage in humanity's evolution, there's no denying their growing numbers, especially in hubs like New York City. The NYPD has a division devoted to mutant related crimes. Super-powered vigilantes help to maintain the peace. Those who style themselves as Homo Superior work to tear society apart for rebuilding in their own image.
MRO is an intermediate to advanced writing level original character, original plot X-Men RPG. We've been open and active since October of 2005. You can play as a mutant, human, or Adapted— one of the rare humans who nullify mutant powers by their very existence. Goodies, baddies, and neutrals are all welcome.
Short Term Plots:Are They Coming for You?
There have been whispers on the streets lately of a boogeyman... mutant and humans, young and old, all have been targets of trafficking.
The Fountain of Youth
A chemical serum has been released that's shaving a few years off of the population. In some cases, found to be temporary, and in others...?
MRO MOVES WITH CURRENT TIME: What month and year it is now in real life, it's the same for MRO, too.
Fuegogrande: "Fuegogrande" player of The Ranger, Ion, Rhia, and Null
Neopolitan: "Aly" player of Rebecca Grey, Stephanie Graves, Marisol Cervantes, Vanessa Bookman, Chrysanthemum Van Hart, Sabine Sang, Eupraxia
Ongoing Plots
Magic and Mystics
After the events of the 2020 Harvest Moon and the following Winter Solstice, magic has started manifesting in the MROvere! With the efforts of the Welldrinker Cult, people are being converted into Mystics, a species of people genetically disposed to be great conduits for magical energy.
The Pharoah Dynasty
An ancient sorceress is on a quest to bring her long-lost warrior-king to the modern era in a bid for global domination. Can the heroes of the modern world stop her before all is lost?
Are They Coming for You?
There have been whispers on the streets lately of a boogeyman... mutant and humans, young and old, all have been targets of trafficking.
What if the human race began to adapt to the mutant threat? What if the human race changed ever so subtly... without the x-gene.
The lost city of Atlantis has been found! Refugees from this undersea mutant dystopia have started to filter in to New York as citizens and businessfolk. You may make one as a player character of run into one on the street.
Got a plot in mind?
MRO plots are player-created the Mods facilitate and organize the big ones, but we get the ideas from you. Do you have a plot in mind, and want to know whether it needs Mod approval? Check out our plot guidelines.
The shifter put his face in his hands trying to hide his embarrassment. Carrick took a step forward and shut the door behind him and leaned up against it not everyone needed to hear this conversation. Carrick still liked to maintain he was more skilled in the area than what was true.
‘Mate!’ Carrick ignored the voice again and shook his head, ”I think he means me.” he said waiting to hear an argument. There was none. ”Yeah, he’s cool with us.” he sighed again. ”****ing Eejit.” Carrick grumbled more to himself.
”I was desperate, didn’t know howtagetya free by meself.” Carrick said starting to ramble his accent getting more intense the quicker he spoke, ”The X-men weren’t much help till after I already got ya so was grabbing thin air trying to figure out how to free ya. He knows I care fer you so he was willing to help. Normally a fight it enough to get him to agree on anything but he kept yelling Mate.” ‘Mate!’ Carrick shook his head, ”Shut up I’m explaining it.” he turned to her door and rested his head on it.
They did deserve everything they had coming but he still felt a little guilty about it. Carrick might have enjoyed causing them pain as well a little too much. A deep-rooted fear he had was he was turning into his father. Using both fear and violence to get what he wanted. Carrick always promised his mother he wouldn’t turn into him every time his shifted form took control it was like he was breaking that promise.
”Yeah,” he said rubbing his arm sheepishly. ”Bit awkward to talk about though.” he said getting a little frustrated wishing he wasn’t so awkward around her. ‘Mate!’ he looked to a spot in the room he imagined the beast would be on her bed. ”He wanted too.. He wants to...” ‘MATE!’ he rolled his eyes.
”I’m trying to phrase it right. Fer **** sakes...” he said to himself then looked back to the princess and blurted out ”He wants to mate with you!”
He blinked still surprised at how cool she was about the whole situation and not trusting it. The shifter would have almost preferred it if she started to yell at him for being reckless. That he was dumb for trying to cheat some cultists and even dumber for trying to swindle the pawn shop. This was normally in his wheelhouse but it had a different outcome this time. It put her in danger.
Carrick smirked a bit when she mentioned he saved her. His tail was the first one to pick up mid-sulk. ”Aye, I did. Had to clean up me mess didn’t I?” puffing out his chest.
”They say I didn’t kill anyone. So I got that going fer me. Might have messed up their lives a bit but... they took ya.” he looked down at the ground. Not really wanting to talk about what happened but figured she could talk about anything and he’d have to join in because of what happened earlier.
”I remember most of it, just that I wanted to find you. We agreed we had to find you and we did.” he said his face getting a little red when the voice in the back of his mind chimed in. ‘Mate!’ he remembered what they agreed on. ”I might have also promised him something but it isn’t really mine to promise...”
The shiThe shifter raised his eyebrows looking somewhat shocked when she asked him what he was sorry for. Did she not blame him from being kidnapped? She should have. He blamed himself. It was something he felt like he was going to live with for a long time. Longer if she didn’t get upset about it.
Her door opened and he followed he wasn’t invited but knew she’d kick him out if she was too tired. Again Carrick was just glad to be near her after everything that happened. ”My fault they took ya.” he said not making eye contact with her. He felt guilty and the fact that she wasn’t yelling at him made him nervous.
”If didn’t cheat ‘em out they wouldn’t have taken ya and wouldn’t have figured out what ya can do... Messed things up today pretty good... just glad I got there before they hurt ya.” he said folding his arms.
”Understand if ya don’t' want ta see me fer a bit.” he said throwing himself a pity party.
He was tired but knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep not with everything that happened today he got the Princess kidnapped and then rescued her single handily even with an audience. If he had bowed after everything he was sure he would have gotten a standing ovation. He didn’t though. He was more worried about the Princess. It was his fault in the first place after tying to swindle the cultists out of the gems. He won in the end. Hopefully they learned a lesson.
He was healed but still sore. Carrick also knew he’d have to talk about what happened later either with the X-men who helped or his moms. It was either way a pain he’d have to deal with later. For now he was just focused on the princess and that was the only thing he wanted to focus on.
Since they got to her he hadn’t left her side. Making sure to stay as close as possible to her. Even having been ‘shooed’ away from Doc when he needed to heal her. Carrick watched from a few feet away but still stayed close. Now he was following back to her room. He didn’t realize where they were till she spoke to him. His tail flicked behind him.
”I’m sure ya are...” he didn’t argue. She should be furious with him at least. He shook his head, ”Nah, too much happened today. Managed to rescue a Princess, heart still going.” he said thumping his chest. ”Just glad yer safe.... sorry again, love.” his tail and wings dropped behind him saying more than Carrick ever could.
Protocol? No, Carrick didn’t do protocol especially when someone he cared about was in danger. His tail flicked behind him as he mock bowed to everyone, ”Well while you all were worried about Protocol I was worried about the Princess.” he said folding his arms his tattered shirt was now becoming a nuisance. It was hard to be himself with the distraction so he pulled the rest of the shirt till it slipped off of him. He looked at his pants and decided to keep those on for now. They covered everything they needed to.
Next building over. The shifter looked up to the nearest building checking to see if he could see her on the roof. He was tempted to run off but stopped himself when Gawain spoke, ”Seems we’re on the same page. I don’t want to do this again either. Next time I’ll handle it meself.” he said thumbing his nose. ”If I knew I was gonna have to deal with everything on my own I wouldn’t have wasted my time talkin to ya.” he said puffing out his chest.
Sam approached and smacked the shifter in the back of the head. He didn’t have Gawain’s patience when it came to the kids. Especially when one was so willing to accept help but not thanks. Carrick growled at Sam and he ignored it, ”The words you’re looking for is thanks for helping me. I owe you both.” Sam sighed and shrugged, ”Personally we can call it even if you play my bar for St. Patties day.” Sam saw his opportunity and struck.
”Fine, we can discuss me payment then.” he said rubbing the back of his head. It wasn’t a violent strike he was used to it was more of a ‘quit being dumb’ smack he appreciated. ”Dunno.” Carrick said to Gawain, ”Maybe we just had something we both agreed on.” he said trying not to think about it. He was just worried about the Princess.
Home.... Princess... They were done. At least that was what he heard. ‘She’s safe.’ the shifter’s head shook not believing it. Everyone was keeping her from him. She wasn’t here and they were all to blame. It was cold though. Carrick looked down at the person pinned under him and he snarled once then he looked up and let out a low growl.
‘I owe you one.’ the voice said as he felt his body shiver he was suddenly cold. His hair receded along his body and his claws started to turn back onto hands. He grunted and shuddered onto of the pinned cultist and looked down to his tattered clothes. Then to Sam and Gawain. ”About time ya got here... show up when all the heavy lifting is done eh?”
Looking down to the cultist he grabbed them by the robbed collar and smirked, ”Spread the word. Stay away from me girlfriend or I won’t stop him from killing everyone last one of ya.” Carrick stood up and brushed his tattered jeans trying to down play his exhaustion.
”Someone mention home?” he asked tail flicking behind him. ”Think the Princess needs some medical attention...” he looked around. Where is she?”[/color] he asked curiously ignoring the bodies littered about the construction sight. There was obviously a fight. Arrows and ice scattered about.
Sam sighed, glad the kid reverted back to his usual annoying self. Pinning a few of the cult members in ice he looked over to Gawain. ”We aren’t at school. Either you hit the kid or I’m gonna.” he said rolling his eye.
”If it is they lost my invite in the mail!” Sam said ice mirror’s erupting ever time Sam passed someone. Between him and Carrick they seemed to pulled enough attention. Sam also made sure to keep his distance from Carrick. Weather it was the kid or not Sam didn’t want to be in swinging distance of those claws. They cut though he robes with each swipe leaving a trail of red behind.
Should I be upset about the lack of invite?” he asked disarming a robbed man with a ceremonial dagger. ”No, I’m actually okay with it.” he grumbled as he kept trying to hit Carrick with a cold blast every time the shifter was spending too much time near someone.
”Hear that kid? The Princess is safe. How about we take you both home now?” there was another scream and Carrick leapt from a robbed figure then slowed hearing the words ‘home’ and ‘Princess’.
Carrick’s beast form exhaled heavily his breath visible. It was cold but he was covered in fur. ‘She’s safe...’ the shifter looked around still in fight mode trying to ignore the voice in the back of his mind. His prey was still alive and they tried to take something of his.
Another I beam launched forward and Sam fired a blast of cold at the one who kept sending them. They staggered then were met by Carrick’s other face via pounce.
‘Fight!’ Carrick growled as he punched the man whose body quickly became hard as stone. He stopped for a second when he spotted the Princess being relocated by someone who appeared in a reflection. ‘Fight!’ his beast form leapt from the man made of stone and ran to the reflection to only watch her disappear again. He just found her and she was gone again. He roared on the other side of the reflection wishing for her to come back.
”Carrick! Chill!” the shifter’s ears twitched at his name in recognition and he howled in response turning to the nearest person and closing his fist and throwing it into them. He was angry, he was in pain and he lost the Princess again.
Some ice erupted in steam as one of the cult members countered Sam’s ice with fire. It resolidified and the process continued till Sam could close the distance.
Carrick seeing a few distracted used this as an opportunity to get some aggression out. ‘Fight!’ they needed to pay they took her from him. They were keeping her from him. He growled forming his first words in his shifted form, ”....M-ine!” he leapt forward swiping his shifted hands to the nearest now distracted robbed member. Blood erupted from under their robes and they grabbed their neck as Carrick rolled and ran to the next target.
”Carrick! She’s fine!” Sam yelled as he tried to blast some cold at the kid while he leapt from one person to the next. He was only maiming. Each person collapsed and grabbed a limb or a wound was he doing this on purpose or was this just a happy coincidence? Sam leapt and dodged a flying I-beam.
”Tried riding a bike once.” he shrugged, ”Harder to fly with wings.” he said with a smirk. ”Too much lift, sides.” he waved his tail at her, ”Got it stuck, once was enough fer me.” he said glad he could do it again if he every needed to. It was riding a bike.
The bottle was removed from his hand. Carrick was about to reach out for it in fear she was going to drop it but decided he could always snag another one by the end of the night. That was a indeed a party that would be going all night.
”Girl, I can get down anywhere.” he said tail flicking behind him. He smirked and was finally able to repeat something he heard once from his time in the circus. ”Every day is a boogie. Just trying to get down.” he said sticking out his tongue as he ‘bounced’ trying to study her movements.
”Step n’ touch!” he repeated as he took a step and touched mirroring her movements but throwing a little extra sway in it. Wings and tail already involved having no problem adding to what he was learning making sure he didn’t look stiff while doing it. ”Keep ‘em high!” he said raising his hands above his elbows. Carrick rolled his shoulders with each step.
”Look I’m hip!” he said bragging tongue still out while he boounced.
”I’m surprised you have your wife on the team.” he laughed a little despite the current situation. When he started to feel gravity’s pull on him ice formed under his feet in the form of a slide as he maneuvered after the sound of the roar. ”Your daughter will probably be running the team before long.”
His ears heard the movement of the plastic from the wind and his eyes darted to the source of the sound. He stopped purring trying to be silent still low to the ground his body reacted on it’s own until he heard her voice this time he was sure.
>>>"I'm here!"
Carrick’s attention focused to the sound and he knew where she was. He took off running until he pushed past a sheet of plastic. She was there and tied up. The sight upset him. She was here because of him. Carrick ran to her and hugged her. Ignoring his surroundings. He was sorry but he was still Carrick, ”Why ya tied up?” he asked looking around. ”Why ya hanging out here? No place for a princess...” he smirked and started purring his cat like eyes fixed on her.
”Sorry...” his tail flicked behind him as he pulled out a pocket knife and started to work on freeing her. ”Ya hurt?” he asked finally showing how worried he was on his face.
Whenever the subject of ‘his’ circus came up he always did the same thing some jump up and down and discuss everything that the place had. Unfortunately for everyone Carrick was still pooh-bearing with Juniper’s sweatshirt so he didn’t do as much jumping and more of a dance. One that still kept things covered.
”Oh, it was a gas! Always is, no animals just people like me who can shift inta something. The clowns were alright, Zek helped fill in. Wasn’t just a clown, he was the whole circus.” Carrick said giving Zek a thumbs up in the dark still trying to figure out the lemonade and Root Beer thing and the bucket. Carrick hated not being part of inside jokes. He however kept smiling despite the smell of white sage. At least it didn’t smell like sewage now.
”Well if ya guess.” he repeated and looked to Zek, ”Guy sure knows how to make ya feel welcome. Must not need any new members didn’t know cooking dance offs were a thing but here I am. Once again in the dark.” he gestured to the sewer. Then brushed past the doorman with more swagger in his step than when they were alone.
That’s right he didn’t' have pants but was elated when he got a pristine robe. Was this a collage toga party? He always wanted to be at one! ”Pars tempus!” Carrick said going through his selective memory from when he was in catholic school as a kid. He fist pumped after he changed into his robe. Offering Juniper her hoodie back. ”Might want to wash it before ya wear it again.”
His wings fit a lot better in the robe they weren’t even exposed! It was like he just had very large shoulders or two ungodly humps on his back. He looked backwards at them and then did a little twirl revealing his tail before looking down at it. ”Little breezy but I think I’m pulling it off. Just need me a red sash and I think it completes the look.” he said grinning and following Zek to the group.
Instead of chanting right off the bat Carrick had to find his groove and put his dance lessons to good use and started to bounce to the chanting.
A deep rumble echoed from his chest as he growled on the second target. There was a walkie talkie that clicked, “Is he out there still?” it was a females voice, the one he had been hunting. He reached down and picked it up not even trying to hide his accent. ”Clear.” Carrick left the limp bodies behind.
Thankfully he hadn’t killed anyone yet. Either due to luck or a fear what would happen next to him. He sniffed the air hearing her voice. Carrick fought the urge to purr. No wasn’t the time. ‘Mate?’ ”That’s her...” he responded as he entered the construction zone they were at.
Pushing the plastic aside he sniffed the air. ‘....’ this was the first time in his life Carrick waited for the beast’s thoughts. There was nothing so he moved forward crouching low to the ground as he moved from one plastic sheet to the next sniffing the air it smelled like her. Expensive.
‘Fight!’ Carrick rolled relying on his acrobatic skills he picked up from the circus and snapped up turning and sending a kick outwards after a jump. The person who tried pushing though the plastic was met with a kick to the face. They dropped and Carrick pushed through where they were coming from.
Carrick started purring, she was close. ”Ames? his sore voice forced out as he walked to the next sheet of plastic hoping she was on the other side. ”Love? Ya here?”
It took a few seconds to pin the collapsed bodies, they were fighting through pain so they didn’t voice too much of an argument when he approached and made things cold. ”This is Rime.” Sam said holding up his police radio. ”Need a pick up at...” he gave the location for where they were and where they needed a pick up. ”Magic? Mutants? Send a few extras.” he said not sure what else to add. The caused the asphalt to melt. They needed a specialist.
”Let’s go play catch up. Hopefully Carrick left a trail or one of your guests want to prevent their friends from being eaten...” Sam said as he hoped instilling a little more fear would help motivate someone to reveal a location. ”Seen the bodies after. Most of them are still alive.” he launched himself upwards.
Sam’s ice clone mirrored Sam as they both charged the last person. Sam aimed low while the clone aimed high as they table topped the last robbed person. Standing upright and feeling the battered cultists tough the fog he created he smirked and signaled to the ice clone he was done with it. The clone jumped to the nearest body then pinned the person freezing in place. ”Any luck?” Sam asked Gawain.
”I got a few of them the others ran..."he said releasing his hold on the temperature around them. Everything slowed down for Sam and the drag of time seemed to exhaust him some. He looked up when he heard a roar off in the distance. ”You got to be kidding me.... you think he found them?” Sam asked looking in the direction and then scooping up Carrick’s ear piece the shifter dropped earlier.
”Think you can store this many?” Sam asked to Gawain trying to catch his breath.
Carrick didn’t know if he imagined it or it was another voice in his head but his heart skipped a beat. He felt like purring but knew it wasn’t the time. Below two people exited the building. His pulse quickened. ‘Fight?’ ”Fight!” he yelled as he dove tucking the wings close to his back.
The first person he grabbed gave a small yelp as Carrick landed on him with a heavy crash. His wings opened and he took off again, making sure not to be seen. The second person looked back to his partner and realized he was on the ground. Before he could call someone for backup Carrick struck again.
His tail flicked in excitement. His anger gave him direction. They had the Princess.
With the kid gone and Gawain in a mirror he could let loose a bit. The air was heavy with cold and Sam seemed to be moving faster than normal to anyone in range from his powers. He knew he’d be tired a bit after but they were in a hurry and he could sleep later. There was a rescue that needed doing before someone found out and gave him and any one affiliated with the mansion a world of headache.
Mirroring his thoughts his ice clone, formally his armor danced between cultist to cultist reforming as needed under Sam’s watchful eye. Someone cut it with air and the ice clone with it’s one hand managed an uppercut before reforming.
Carrick swooped low a few times toying with the cult member brushing against her robes with his fingers every time he swooped. Her direction was focused. She was heading somewhere. Where Carrick didn’t know but he knew it was a place she felt safe. The shifter eased back occasionally seeing if she changed directions. She didn’t.
Eventually the car she started driving parked near a construction site. Less than a few miles from what Carrick could guess. If two X-men couldn’t find this place anyone would be stupid to join their ranks. It screamed bad guy hideout. Hostage hideout... Carrick wasn’t exactly sure. Which was why he was flying overhead now trying to see anything useful.
His rage building the more he waited till finally he let out another roar.