The X-men run missions and work together with the NYPD, striving to maintain a peaceful balance between humans and mutants. When it comes to a fight, they won't back down from protecting those who need their help.
Haven presents itself as a humanitarian organization for activists, leaders, and high society, yet mutants are the secret leaders working to protect and serve their kind. Behind the scenes they bring their goals into reality.
From the time when mutants became known to the world, SUPER was founded as a black-ops division of the CIA in an attempt to classify, observe, and learn more about this new and rising threat.
The Syndicate works to help bring mutantkind to the forefront of the world. They work from the shadows, a beacon of hope for mutants, but a bane to mankind. With their guiding hand, humanity will finally find extinction.
Since the existence of mutants was first revealed in the nineties, the world has become a changed place. Whether they're genetic misfits or the next stage in humanity's evolution, there's no denying their growing numbers, especially in hubs like New York City. The NYPD has a division devoted to mutant related crimes. Super-powered vigilantes help to maintain the peace. Those who style themselves as Homo Superior work to tear society apart for rebuilding in their own image.
MRO is an intermediate to advanced writing level original character, original plot X-Men RPG. We've been open and active since October of 2005. You can play as a mutant, human, or Adapted— one of the rare humans who nullify mutant powers by their very existence. Goodies, baddies, and neutrals are all welcome.
Short Term Plots:Are They Coming for You?
There have been whispers on the streets lately of a boogeyman... mutant and humans, young and old, all have been targets of trafficking.
The Fountain of Youth
A chemical serum has been released that's shaving a few years off of the population. In some cases, found to be temporary, and in others...?
MRO MOVES WITH CURRENT TIME: What month and year it is now in real life, it's the same for MRO, too.
Fuegogrande: "Fuegogrande" player of The Ranger, Ion, Rhia, and Null
Neopolitan: "Aly" player of Rebecca Grey, Stephanie Graves, Marisol Cervantes, Vanessa Bookman, Chrysanthemum Van Hart, Sabine Sang, Eupraxia
Ongoing Plots
Magic and Mystics
After the events of the 2020 Harvest Moon and the following Winter Solstice, magic has started manifesting in the MROvere! With the efforts of the Welldrinker Cult, people are being converted into Mystics, a species of people genetically disposed to be great conduits for magical energy.
The Pharoah Dynasty
An ancient sorceress is on a quest to bring her long-lost warrior-king to the modern era in a bid for global domination. Can the heroes of the modern world stop her before all is lost?
Are They Coming for You?
There have been whispers on the streets lately of a boogeyman... mutant and humans, young and old, all have been targets of trafficking.
What if the human race began to adapt to the mutant threat? What if the human race changed ever so subtly... without the x-gene.
The lost city of Atlantis has been found! Refugees from this undersea mutant dystopia have started to filter in to New York as citizens and businessfolk. You may make one as a player character of run into one on the street.
Got a plot in mind?
MRO plots are player-created the Mods facilitate and organize the big ones, but we get the ideas from you. Do you have a plot in mind, and want to know whether it needs Mod approval? Check out our plot guidelines.
Agnes sighed as she cuddled into her ash grey Ladybug hoodie, staring dully at the mocha frappuccino that sat in front of her on the table. Hands were stuffed into the pockets of her hoodie as she crossed her jean clad legs. The hood was pulled all the way up and Agnes’ medium length brown hair hung, partially covering her face. It was obvious that the young runaway was trying to hide her appearance from the rest of the world. And with good reason.
Having just gone through her molting phase, Agnes now had an altered appearance. She did not sport the wings that she normally did. Instead she was going through her carapace phase. What this did was leave her skin with a thicker, greenish hue and almost looked as if she were a human walking around with insect armor on. She didn’t care for this form. She always felt that it made her stick out like a sore thumb.
She still didn’t know how in the world Jasmine had talked her into actually going onto this date. She wanted to stay home, to isolate herself in her room until she could force herself to molt again. But Jasmine seemed intent to go on this date.
That was why Agnes found herself sitting outside of a coffee shop, at one of the tables, trying to keep her appearance hidden from the rest of the world. It was a warm afternoon and the day seemed to just urge everyone out of hiding to take walks. The sidewalks were packed with people, many of which passed the outdoor patio that she and Jasmine sat in. Meekly she pulled her hood down a bit more but reached out to take her frappuccino. Her slick, carapace-covered hands gripped the drink and brought it up to her lips.
“Hunny?” she heard her girlfriend ask.
“Hmm?” Agnes responded as she tried to focus her attention onto Jasmine.
“Did you hear anything I said?” Jasmine asked, a little perturbed.
Agnes looked up and sighed as she took in the sight of the young woman sitting across from her. She was dressed in her favorite denim jacket, jeans, and wore bracelets that jangled every time she so much as twitched her wrists. The scent of honeysuckle danced across Agnes’ nose and she had to sigh a little heavenly. She looked a little embarrassed as she peeked at Jasmine from under the hood.
“I-I’m sorry…” she whispered.
Jasmine sighed but pulled her chair a little closer to Agnes. Sitting in the patio area outside of the coffee shop, Agnes glanced at passerby’s and tried to not draw attention to herself. Jasmine did not seemed to care though as she touched Agnes’ shoulder so she could turn to face her.
“Babe, you need to stop,” Jasmine said sternly. “You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about.”
Agnes smirked and shook her head. “Easy for you to say, you don’t look like a monster.”
Jasmine shook her head. “And neither do you. You know better than that.” She urged as she leaned up and kissed Agnes’ forehead beneath the hood. “Okay?”
Meekly Agnes nodded as she raised her piercing blue eyes to Jasmine. “Okay.”
Lips stretched into a smile, Jasmine nodded as she patted Agnes’ knee. “Come on. We’re on a date, aren’t we?”
Agnes nodded and smiled again. They were on a date and she was going to have to just stop feeling like this. This was just a part of her mutation and therefore a part of who she was. It would take time but just like when her powers first developed, she would gradually get used to them. All she needed was patience and acceptance from her friends and family. And she had that in abundance.
The day had started off no different than any other. He'd woken up, he'd eaten a hearty breakfast(Two eggs, two bacon strips, the neighbors cat), he'd put on a nice top hat and monocle combination, and he'd wandered off into the streets of the wonderful place known as New York city!
He couldn't quite recall exactly what he'd done with the beginning of his day. He vaguely recalled running up a bunch of steps, screaming "I did it!" at the top of his lungs, and taking a lollipop from a random baby, but that was all stuff he could get done quickly. He supposed the rest of it was probably just monotonous(that word has a lot of O's... mOnOtOnOus... heh) transportational periods omitted by selective memory and what not. All it all, it had been progressing as typical as ever.
However... Typical was not how this day felt now.
It had started innocently enough. While lounging in some generic coffee joint he noticed that his antennae seemed to be standing at a particularly high level of attention. From there, he felt... How to describe it... A flutter? Yes, he'd definitely felt a flutter in his chest area. This caused him to take a glance around... Nothing strange caught his compound eyes... but something caught his nose.
It was hidden beneath some stupid flower scent, but there it was... It smelt... a little... like... bug.
After he found the smell, he couldn't help but isolate the source. Just out on the patio... There was a almost fully covered being... The roach stood slowly, his coffee still in hand, and skittered inconspicuously out into the patio area, where he took a seat, and a paper, and popped it open, using it as a cover to glance at this... wonderfully scented creature.
He didn't have a great view, but it wasn't long before he caught sight of a hand. With a start he knocked the coffee cup from the table, and quickly tried to pick it up... His limbs were shaking as he tried to clean up the resulting mess.
Thanks to Andrea and Jorge for my sigs! I WABBLE YOUUU! AV Roach~
“So, did you get around to the Julliard application, yet?” Jasmine asked as she took a sip of her hot white chocolate.
Agnes, sighed and shook her head. The resulting sigh that issued from Jasmine obviously meant that she was not thrilled with that response. Agnes knew that Jasmine was trying hard to get her to apply to New York City’s finest music school but the runaway had very little doubt that she was good enough to get accepted. So she resigned herself to the stance of “what was the point?” After all, she was fine with going to a regular college. She didn’t NEED to go to Julliard.
“Agnes, why are you dragging your feet about this?” she asked earnestly. “You’re good with that violin of yours. You’re damn good. Why would you deny even trying?”
The runaway could only shrug in response. “Jasmine, what’s the point? They won’t take me, and…and….” she sighed.
Jasmine gave her a look that tried to urge her on. Agnes simply bit her lip as she shook her head. How could she tell Jasmine? She would never understand. Even IF she did get accepted to Julliard a requirement for her first year would be to LIVE there. With her mutation…she doubted they would make any exceptions and the last thing wanted was to suddenly infest the school with insects of all kinds! She could get away with that at the mansion, but at Julliard? No. She imagined she’d be run out of that school by torches and pitchforks.
Silently she went back to her drink while Jasmine twisted her lips into a disappointed look. The two girls went back to their own drinks, sipping and trying to say anything that would not lead to more bad topics of conversation.
Agnes, ashamed that she was not doing enough to make the date fun, gently reached out and patted Jasmine’s hand…
Startled, both girl’s looked around confused before they turned around and…spied the largest roach that either of them that ever seen! On top of that he was wearing a hat AND a monocle! It was so weird that neither girl was able to be focus on any one feeling about the moment. For one thing…it was a giant cockroach! On the other, he was wearing at hat and trying to pick up his fallen coffee. Therefore he could not be all that bad…right?
Agnes, being the closet, slipped out of her seat and moved over to help the creature clean up. Suddenly she was beginning to feel a little stupid that she was so ashamed of her own looks. Sometimes mutants got the worst of it, with not semblance of humanity left in them. Such as this person here, yet the roach seemed to carry himself with just as much dignity.
Agnes smiled warmly as she grabbed a few napkins to help mop up the mess.
“A-Are you okay?” she asked a little shyly and turned her eyes up to look into those large compounded ones…
Curses! He'd made a lovely mess of things, hadn't he? Way to look like a foolish oaf in the presence of such extraordinary beauty. What could he do but hurry as fast as he could to clean up the horrid mess he'd made and abscond! He fumbled with the shards of glass littered against the ground. He would miss that glass; he always brought his own and asked them to fill them. He wasn't a very big fan of paper cups. Why would you sip out of the same stuff you wrote on and wiped with? Damned pinkys. He told himself he would smack the next pink person he saw...
A hand appeared in his field of vision. It wasn't a pink one. It was a lovely... Lovely shade of green. His eyes followed it up to their source. A body, and then up further to a set of eyes.
My god. She was truly a delightful creature, wasn't she? She began to help him clean up the mess, and he merely stared wordlessly for a moment until she asked in such a shy, innocent tone.
“A-Are you okay?”"Beautiful." The word came out before he could formulate any sophisticated response in his head; he couldn't have not said it. This landed him in a predicament. It was a strange response to her question. "Ahem... I am feeling just beautiful, thank you. A-and you?" His head turned down toward the ground once again as he forced himself to focus on picking up more glass. He was a little too overzealous about it, though, and a tiny shard of glass managed to work its way into one of the fragile joints in his finger, cutting him. "Ahh!" His hand recoiled, and sent glass flying. He held his hand out in front of him, his antennae twitching in an expression of agony.
Thanks to Andrea and Jorge for my sigs! I WABBLE YOUUU! AV Roach~
Agnes had started to mop up the coffee and pick up some of the shattered glass that the large roach mutant had dropped. Normally Agnes would have tried to ignore the mutant, basically because of her mutation. She knew how regular roaches were around her but part of her really had no idea how a giant mutant roach would react. Part of her wondered but she was still too distracted by her time with Jasmine to really take notice if she was having any affect on the large insect.
Instead she simply helped him continue to clean up while she asked if he was okay.
>> "Beautiful."
Huh? Her eyebrow arched curiously as she tilted her head to look up at him.
>> "Ahem... I am feeling just beautiful, thank you. A-and you?"
Agnes felt herself grin a little at the odd mutants reactions around her but she didn’t make the connection that her powers were having an effect on it. Instead she had turned to pick up more shards of the broken glass. Thankfully the majority of it was large enough that it was easily seen and none of it seemed able to pierce through her tough carapace.
“I-I’m okay,” she said with a soft smile as she began to finish up gather glass into a napkin. “Just enjoying a good da—“
>> "Ahh!"
She squeak and jumped when the large insect suddenly shrieked out in pain. Unfortunately she managed to let loose a majority of the glass that she had begun to pick up when he startled her. Agnes had no idea what caused that. He was fumbling with the glass as well so part of her could only wonder if maybe he had been stabbed or did he get glass stuck inside his hand?
“Oh my god! Are you alright?” she asked again and tried to survey what had happened. It was then she noticed that he was holding out his hand and his antennae were twittering about in a panic.
“What’s wrong?” she heard Jasmine as she suddenly came to her side.
“Um, I think he hurt himself? Can you get me some napkin’s, please?” Agnes asked. Jasmine immediately vanished to go grab some while Agnes turned her attention back to the bemoaning creature. Leaning close, she spied that indeed there was a tiny piece of glass stuck inside on of his fingers. She frowned as she grabbed a hold of his hand. “Calm down. Calm down!!” she announced as she reached it, grabbed the tiny piece between her fingers and plucked it out.
That was it. His life was over. He was going to bleed to death. He was... feeling... hormonal?
"OH~~~, the agony! The unbearable pain! What cruel fate has destiny thrown my way that I should suffer so greatly. Why hast thou forsaken me oh fortune! Thou art a demon in the guise of an ang- oh that's much better." With the accuracy of the fabled mouse to his lion, the little darling plucked the painful thorn from his paw.
He looked up to her slowly. My god. She really was beautiful. "Thank you... Who are you?"
It was strange... She had a carapace... That was hot, sure, but... something else about her made her feel... like home, somehow; it was like he could just... climb inside of her, and feel safe... So strange.
He liked strange.
Thanks to Andrea and Jorge for my sigs! I WABBLE YOUUU! AV Roach~
>> "OH~~~, the agony! The unbearable pain! What cruel fate has destiny thrown my way that I should suffer so greatly. Why hast thou forsaken me oh fortune! Thou art a demon in the guise of an ang- oh that's much better."
She sighed. Gawd, what a drama queen, she thought as she held up the fractured piece of glass between her fingers. It was a dastardly looking little piece but at least it looked as if she had removed all of it from the poor insect-man’s hand.
Shaking her head, he tossed the glass splinter aside and smirked up at the large roach who was finally beginning to calm down. He seemed to be just fine and there were no other tiny shards of glass in his hand from where she had plucked it. All-in-all, he should be utterly fine now! But…if that were so, why was he peering at her so curiously?
>> “Thank you... Who are you?"
Agnes arched a brow as she tilted her head. The large roach seemed to be extra curious about her now. His antenna were at attention and his large, compound eyes all looked as if they were directed squarely on her. For a moment Agnes was not sure if she should be flattered or utterly creeped out. But she did not want to be rude to the poor mutant. After all, it is not as if he had done anything wrong.
With a smile nodded politely to him.
“My name is Agnes,” she responded and tucked some of her large, dark hair behind her ear. Her hoodie was still up so her face was still partially covered in shadows. A moment later, Jasmine had returned carrying napkins and band-aids from the coffee shops first aid kit. Agnes smiled thankfully as she began to pat the area that had been stuck with the glass splintered and prepared the bandage it. “This is Jasmine,” she said referring to her girlfriend, who looked just a little uncomfortable around the extra large roach. “Who might you be?”
Oh my. She responded to him. What did she say? He missed it, he was too busy staring.
Her name. She said her name. Agnes. Aaaaagneeeeeees. She motioned to uglyface next to her. He forgot her name right away. His mandibles clicked absentmindedly, something that might seem a bit menacing to those who didn't understand bug kind. He remained silent as she bandaged his battle wound, and flexed it for a moment until he heard the question of his identity come up.
Now was his time to shine! Thus far he had painted himself in the guise of an oaf; he wasn't to blame of course! There was some... Chemical power at work, here. He was perplexed by it, but he had to say, it felt nice. So, in order not to become a footnote in this rare creatures life, he would put on a show for her!
With the delicate ease of a practiced showman, he spun to his feet slowly and smoothly, reaching up a hand to remove his hat and hold it in the air in cordial greeting. He bowed a little, holding the other hand out to balance out the scene. "I am none other that Gregory Samson, known through some parts as the magnificent Roach! It is the greatest pleasure to meet you, Agnes." He paused, and looked at her friend. "And.. You too, Jenny." He said it as an afterthought.
"Also... Pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice you are a mutant like myself... I must say, your mutation is... Quite lovely. Why do you hide it, so?" He motioned to the hoodie.
Agnes was still a little unsure of what to do. She had never really met a mutant before that had such an obvious mutation. The poor man must have suffered ever since his powers first developed and yet he seemed to have such a nice outlook on the world. He was chipper sounding, if a little over-dramatic, but he still seemed like such a nice guy. Though it was odd that he would not stop staring at her. For a second she wondered why, and then she remembered her mutation. She hoped her question to distract him from putting any more attention onto her.
Then she squeaked when the creature suddenly took the cue of his introduction. Agnes blinked in surprise and glanced to Jasmine curiously as the large roach suddenly gave her an elegant spin and bow.
>> "I am none other that Gregory Samson, known through some parts as the magnificent Roach! It is the greatest pleasure to meet you, Agnes…And... You too, Jenny.”
Agnes smirked. She could not help it but it was rather amusing to watch the giant roach act and speak in such an elegant way. And, obviously, Agnes knew roaches. They never acted like that around her. She grinned and gave him a slight bow in return but glanced out of the corner of her eye. Jasmine…was looking extremely uncomfortable. The runaway sighed; she wanted to go over and comfort her but she didn’t want to appear rude to Gregory either.
>> "Also... Pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice you are a mutant like myself... I must say, your mutation is... Quite lovely. Why do you hide it, so?"
Jasmine was beet red now. She did not like anyone hitting on her girlfriend. Eyes narrowed, mouth opened, Jasmine looked ready to say something when suddenly her phone rang. She winced as she picked it up and checked the caller ID.
“Damn, that’s my mom. Be right back, hunny” she said, with emphasis on the last word just for the large Roach and stepped away.
Agnes blushed a little at Gregory’s comment and sighed. She nodded to Jasmine as she stormed off and realized that her reaction was not unfounded. Agnes had been arguing that against same point with her all day, and to hear it again coming from someone completely different was probably a sore blow. But Agnes still reached up to pull her hood closed a little more.
“T-Thank you,” Agnes said as she finally responded to Gregory’s comment. “But…this…this is new to me. I’m…not quite used to it…yet. Or the stares.” her voice was meek and low. But it was still loud enough to reach Gregory…and not only that but to a few new visitors. From the cracks in the pavement and the planters nearby, a few roaches began to skitter towards her. Drawn to her scent the roaches, much smaller than the current one standing before her, began to circle around her protectively, some even going so far as to tread across her shoes. She sighed a little, then looked at the large bug. “See? N-Not a lot of people respond well to this…” she said as she leaned down and let one of them crawl on her hand. She was getting far more used to having the little buggers crawl over her. In a way…they always made her feel safe…
It seemed something was bugging this exquisite woman's mate... Who was also female? It seemed that they were indeed mating, as the pinker skinned one was rather possessive, and his complement of Agnes had made her turn even more pink.
He didn't see the advantages of coupling with one of the same sex, where would the offspring come from? Without offspring, what would you have to eat during winter? Still, it didn't matter, because the lady left, and Roach decided on a whim that Agnes would be his.
"My dear, if you spend all day wondering what others think about you, you will never be able to appreciate yourself. If they truly see it right to judge you for how you look, they clearly aren't worth bothering yourself over." Or cooking before you eat them, but had the presence of mind to leave that detail out.
He turned and stepped up onto the table, using the chair next to him as a stepping stone. His hand reached out for her, encouraging her to use it to step up. "Do you think the world responds well to me? Look at me, though... I am content. You are a work of art; I encourage you to show yourself off." He wondered if she would have the stones to step up with him. In a small way he was testing her mettle.
Thanks to Andrea and Jorge for my sigs! I WABBLE YOUUU! AV Roach~
Agnes sighed gently began to pet the roach that sat on the palm of her hand. They really were quite docile around her. Once they were granted the privilege of sitting upon her skin, Agnes usually shooed them away. But because she was getting far more used to them, she allowed them to sit comfortable on her hand. In doing so, they were calm and did not skitter all over her as most people would fear they would. The young insect hive was not as creeped out as she used to be by them.
But staring up at that large, curiously eyed roach, she could only wonder what the effect was that she was having on him. She knew how smaller, every day insects reacted, but what exactly was he feeling? It was odd meeting a creature that was affected by her abilities and could talk as well. Maybe she could ask him questions and get to know what it was like?
Yet, before she could get too far in those thoughts she paused when she noticed that Gregory was taking a rather…dramatic pose.
>> "My dear, if you spend all day wondering what others think about you, you will never be able to appreciate yourself. If they truly see it right to judge you for how you look, they clearly aren't worth bothering yourself over."
Agnes blushed a little. It was an argument that she had heard many times before. Gina, Jasmine, Rebecca, all of them had said similar things. But Agnes, unfortunately, could be rather stubborn. She nodded and started to open her mouth to say that “yes, she understood that” but she never got a chance to actually say it.
Instead Gregory suddenly made a spectacle of himself. He climbed up onto a table and, despite the awkwardness of the situation, he looked rather regal; well, as regal as a giant cockroach could get. As he did so, Agnes actually giggled but peered left and right as people began to point and gasp in horror at the giant bug. Instead, the runaway began to feel a little self conscious since they were probably assuming that the oddly skinned girl was with the giant roach. Mutants stick together, after all, right?
>> "Do you think the world responds well to me? Look at me, though... I am content. You are a work of art; I encourage you to show yourself off."
Standing there, her skin feeling hot from the praise that he was pouring all over her, Agnes wished that he would calm down. His words had an encouraging ring of truth to them but far too much attention was being drawn to her. Far more attention than she cared for at all.
Then she eyed the hand that was being offered to her. He was trying, really trying to get through to her…and it almost worked. She had reached up, actually pulled in a little by his words. But just as her fingers grazed his hand, she stopped herself. The eyes of the other patrons of the coffee shop were drilling holes into the back of her sweatshirt. She could practically hear their judgments that rattled around in their skulls.
Her fear getting the best of her, Agnes gripped his hand but attempted to pull him down.
“Gregory, come on, stop it,” she whispered as she felt the heat from all those stares. She wanted it over with now. “Get down, people are staring…”
His eyes focused solely on her hand as it hesitantly reached up for him. The world dropped away piece by peace as the hand neared, and tunnel vision took hold. Could he smile, he would have the biggest of grins. He'd won over; she would be like malleable clay in his hands, waiting to be shaped as he pleased.
Reality started to kick back in as her hand touched his, but ceased all forward progress, and then, to add insult to injury, she grabbed his hand, and tried to pull him down from his spot on the table.
“Gregory, come on, stop it, get down, people are staring…” His neck broke to allow his head to search out their viewers... All pink skinned, all with worried or judgmental looks on their faces. The Roach didn't allow her to pull him down from the table, and instead leaned in to whisper into her ear. "Look at them, Agnes... Look around you." He paused to allow her to do so, and then continued. "You have two options... You must either teach yourself to hate them, or let them teach you to hate yourself." His grip on her hand slowly tightened; not enough to hurt her, but enough to stop her from simply slipping from his grasp.
His attention turned back to the crowd, and he spoke in a booming, defiant tone. "What is it to be normal? To sit and sip your coffee without second glance? To belong, and not stand out in any way? I know the answer to that question. To be normal is to be frightfully boring. Good day!" And with that he would do his best to hoist Agnes up and onto his shoulder, jump from the table, barge through the crowd, grab a hold of the side of the tallest office building in the area, and start to climb.
Thanks to Andrea and Jorge for my sigs! I WABBLE YOUUU! AV Roach~
Agnes had urged Gregory to get off of the table. Everyone around them was staring and as much as she understood his words about accepting herself, about enjoying the person that she was, she simply was not ready for that kind of attention just yet. She just barely got over her scars being healed and there was still a lot of baby steps that she needed to take on the path to loving herself. She was not the type of girl that enjoyed just being hurled off into the deep end.
But as she tried to urged him down, the look that Gregory got (if she was even interpreting it correctly) looked a little disappointed. Maybe he was expecting more from her. Maybe he thought his inspirational words would have made the young runaway shake off her usual fears and turn her into some braver person.
To Agnes, though, they were just words from one moment in time. She still had a whole lifetime of mental scars to get past. That was why she tried to bring him down. But the giant roach was not taking to her pleads…
>> "Look at them, Agnes... Look around you…You have two options... You must either teach yourself to hate them, or let them teach you to hate yourself."
Agnes paused, feeling his grip tighten a little on her hand. Her eyes began to droop a little in sadness as she really and truly let his words sink into her head. Was she really doing that? Was she really so messed up that she was allowing perfect strangers to judge her? Agnes, when she lived on the streets, had grown callous and used to the judgmental stares but she always believed that she was at least a little better than all of them. After all, she lived among everything that they threw away and it was easy to see that every person who lived in this city had their secrets that they were desperate to hide. She was at least honest about herself.
Yet, ever since she went to the mansion, Agnes whole outlook on life had changed. She was more understanding, more sweet, and yet she allowed the gawks and glares of people to get to her even more now. Maybe…maybe she really was not learning her lessons in accepting herself. Maybe…
Hey…why is his hand so tight? Agnes thought as she was snapped from her thoughts and looked down to Gregory’s hand on her’s. It squeezed tighter. Not enough to hurt her but when Agnes tried to pull away, she found that she was unable to do so.
“Hey, what’re you--?” she mumbled as she tried to break away.
>> "What is it to be normal? To sit and sip your coffee without second glance? To belong, and not stand out in any way? I know the answer to that question. To be normal is to be frightfully boring. Good day!"
He addressed both the crowd and herself. But before Agnes could take the last of his words to heart, she suddenly felt the world vanish beneath her feet. With a gasp of surprised, Agnes suddenly was weightless as she was lifted up and hoisted onto the hard, exoskeleton covered shoulders of the giant roach.
“Hey!! Put me down!!!” Agnes screamed. “Gregory!! STOP!!”
But her words fell on deaf ears. Before she knew it, she was being carried out of the coffee house and started her own reenactment of a classic monster movie. She struggled as she looked down and noticed that they were beginning to ascend the side of a building. Gregory was carrying her up the side of a building!! Her heart beat rapidly as she clung onto her kidnapper and shut her eyes tight. But her panic was soon picked up upon by couple of her minions that had clung onto her clothing before she was stolen away.
These smaller roaches fell off her clothes and began to skitter over the much larger roach, angry, obviously, that their queen was in danger.
Agnes, the whole time, could only squeeze her eyes shut as she held on tight, not wanting to fall. “What are you doing!? Let me down!”
He heard the voices as he passed, carrying his precious cargo.
"What is that monster doing?" "Someone help that poor girl! "Call the police!"
Pathetic... But had he a mouth, it would be smiling, just a little bit. The reports of protest to his actions grew as he started climbing. He was the towering monster, holding the life of the innocent princess hostage.
She wanted her him to put her down. Most likely not a good idea at this point. He paused to look down, shifted her weight a little to secure her more firmly, though still careful to be gentle. "Now, now, Agnes. I am going up no matter what. There is only one way down, then, and I very much doubt you wish to take that particular rout. Perhaps, then, it is best that you stop struggling. Wouldn't you agree?" He ignored the cockroaches skittering about his frame for the most part, only pausing to look at one for a moment, and stab it a tiny needle that poked out from his wrist. The little bug stumbled about as if it were drunk. "I shall call you Colin." He stated in a cheery tone as the little bug struggled to keep a grip on him.
He continued climbing, latching onto the concrete with little difficulty, and hoisting them ever upward. "Tell me, Agnes. How long have you had a visible mutation?" He spoke as if he were chatting over tea, relaxed and nonchalant, as if he hadn't kidnapped her and started climbing a building moments ago.
Thanks to Andrea and Jorge for my sigs! I WABBLE YOUUU! AV Roach~
Agnes could scarcely hear the screams that were issuing forth from below. She didn’t know if Jasmine’s voice was mingled in with them or not but Agnes had more pressing matters on her mind. The begging had done no good as Gregory seemed to not take any heed of it. Instead, he pressed on with his crawling up the building. As much as she wanted to be back down on solid ground, the large insect’s one track mind was quickly proving that course of action to be impossible.
Her vision felt a little blurry on the corners the higher that they climbed and Agnes tried hard to not lose her composure. She was already far higher than she would have liked to have been. She tried again to beg to be let down but it was obvious that he was not going to allow such a thing.
>> "Now, now, Agnes. I am going up no matter what. There is only one way down, then, and I very much doubt you wish to take that particular rout. Perhaps, then, it is best that you stop struggling. Wouldn't you agree?"
Agnes gasped as she noticed just how high they were going. She clung onto her kidnapper, holding him tighter than she had ever held anyone before. The distance between herself and the dizzying heights that she was being carried up forced her to make the move. Deep down, in the pit of her stomach, her anger boiled over at being kidnapped like this; but fear quickly washed all of that away. That was the only reason she clung onto him so tightly…
>> "Tell me, Agnes. How long have you had a visible mutation?"
Eyes tightly closed, Agnes tried her best to keep her mind off of how high they were going. She wanted to ignore the roach and his questions but it was not doing any good just hear the wind whip about her ears. It reminded her too much of some classic heroine before carried up a large building by some hairy ape! She had to distract herself and pray she would not plummet to her death.
“O-Only…a few months…” she managed to squeak out. “W-What’re you doing? Are you going to kill me?”