Oct 28, 2019 5:25:55 GMT -6
Character's full name: Kazimierz "Kaz" Romanik Corydon Alias/ Nickname/ Code name: Elf Gender: Male Age: 29 Date of Birth: 08/14/1987 Birthplace/ Home/ Place of origin: Arizona Nationality: American Ethnicity/ Cultural Heritage: Blended European
Hair color and style: Shades of silver usually a few inches long to half a foot, naturally spiky. When he lets his hair out long it will be of any length from just above his shoulders to just above his waist which he will often keep bound together at the base of his skull. Skin Tone: Pale with just enough dark undertones to keep from burning easily, tans to a pale uniform bronze. Eye Color: Red, seems to change shades depending on lighting conditions and mood, from crimson to carmine. Height: 5'11” Build: He has the lithe, toned build of a trained and well conditioned athlete. Despite his looks, Kaz weighs in close to 700lb. Visible mutation: Both of his ears are tipped in a similar manner to a fantasy elf's ears. He also has a tattoo-like marking on his back that looks as if they could have been claw marks, but there is no indication to ever hint at a wound, the markings give the appearance of wings that reach from the center of his back near the bottom of his shoulder blades to over his shoulders and halfway down his upper arms. His hair and eye colors are both due to his mutation. Scars/ Tattoos/ Piercings: He has three straight slashing scars on the right side of his face starting above his forehead down to below his cheekbone, skipping his eye. At one time they were quite angry in appearance, but have healed well and have begun to fade into a paler color than his skin. Other features: Within an Adapted's field Kaz's ears loose their distinctive tips, his hair and eyes become black and emerald in color respectively. While his mutation grants him enhanced physical abilities, he has trained his body for nearly his entire life as such he is physically at peak human levels, his senses are equally acute, though none exceed the human limit.
Everyday clothing style: Due to Kaz's (slight) vanity, he tends to wear clothing that shows off his physique, this generally consists of shirts hug his torso as if they were sprayed on. His shirts are more often sleeveless than not, and when they are, they follow the same fashion as the rest of his shirts. While his pants may often follow a similar pattern to his shirts, they could never be considered 'skinny-jeans', they don't leave enough room for freedom of movement. In fact most of the time the pants he prefers to wear are quite roomy and loose, closer to the lower half a judo gi than elephant or parachute pants. The variety of color in Kaz's wardrobe is somewhat limited, mostly consisting of whites, blacks, reds, and grays. When a coat is needed he will choose a lighter long-coat than a restrictive jacket or heavy trench-coat. Combat style boots are his choice of foot ware they aren't great for every occasion, when something else is required, he wears sturdy, well made athletic shoes. Uniform: If he had a uniform it would most likely be a gi of some sort or a jump suit, in line with his colors of choice of course. Sleepwear: Most nights he sleeps in the nude, though boxers and loose cotton pants are always nearby when needed or if other people are around. Miscellaneous clothing: Kaz has a number of button up shirts and button up dress shirts, and yes, they are different, since he would never wear his dress shirts for anything but an appropriate occasion. He also has a number of different necklaces, each one with a different design and centerpiece, certain ones are in remembrance of certain people from his life, most notably Judy and Nikki, he also has one that he doesn't wear, but keeps around for Iris.
Personality: Kaz's personality has been all over the place when looking at the whole of his life and has changed depending on who he was around even in a short span of time. He's arrogant and he knows it, it is something he has worked on reigning in, the same can be said of his temper which in the past has flared up due to the smallest thing. He and impatience are good friends having spent nearly three decades together. That being said, he is also kind and generous, and holds those he cares about close to his heart. Not so long ago violence was one of Kaz's first responses to just about anything, he has worked hard to keep that in check, but when he does become violent it is swift, brutal, deadly, and efficient. Pride is one of his biggest failings, especially pride inflated and held up by a massive ego, both of which are for the most part, based on nothing but his own sense of self-worth. These are hard things for anyone to realize about themselves and even harder to see how true they are. All in all, Kaz has a lot of sore spots and buttons to push, that aren't hard to see. Hobbies/ Interests: Martial arts, swordsmanship, swimming, gymnastics, and blacksmithing. Job or part time job and description: Kaz doesn't work, he has a number of business in his name that run independently, one of these is Atlas Munitions, a R&D company that supplies not only the United States but other countries, wealthy individuals, and companies with various weaponry and technology. His money is and has been invested well since he was barely an adult (thanks to a helping hand from Hunter's connections). All told, he's quite wealthy almost obscenely so. Fears/ phobias/ concerns: Kaz does not fear anything, and it isn't just a boast, not even mutants who literally pit physical and mental manifestations of a person's fears against them haven't been able to pry anything from him. Kaz has suspicions and trust issues though. Those suspicions and trust issues take a drastic rise when psychics are involved. The one thing he rails against every day is small animals. Yes, like cats, birds, rats, bats, and other animals. Why? Because he doesn't trust them, he's suspicious, because they might be Calley. Does he have any reason to distrust Calley, not really, he just has the sense that there's something about the boy he can't put his finger on. Just because he can drop wales from the sky onto a person doesn't mean he deserves Kaz's suspicion. Does he have any real reason to think that way or believe it, not really; It's not like Calley would or could follow him around everywhere for years on end without him knowing or finding out, right? Right, so that makes Kaz either crazy or crazy paranoid and suspicious as hell towards small animals. What about larger animals, nope, not really, why? Because, that's why, end of story. And that's why he's kept an exotic domesticated cat around for the last many years. Special talents: He has a natural talent and knack for physical skills and activities that borders on supernatural. It is what has allowed him to study and all but master many different martial arts, both unarmed and armed, as well as his prodigious gymnastic and acrobatic skills, in addition to his ability to throw objects like knives so precisely and excellent marksmanship with many different firearms with an emphasis on handguns, large and small.
Good/ bad/ neutral/ other: Kaz's morality is too complex to be encapsulated by simple words like 'Good' or 'Evil'. He doesn't cringe or shy away from doing or causing harm or death to someone, and is perfectly fine with murdering someone to their face or assassinating them from concealment, nor is he against crippling or maiming someone, say by having a finger chopped off, by intermediaries. He doesn't take pleasure in the acts themselves, but if you're good at something take pleasure in that. Kaz will gladly help another mutant out, especially over a human, but he's not heartless towards them. He's given money and food and a place to stay to those who didn't have, he's even helped a few old grannies across streets. In the past he saw the world as black and white, humans were evil and wrong, and mutants were good and right, in the grand scheme of things. As he saw more of the world and more of what both groups did, to themselves and to their opposites, he realized the world was more of a giant gray area. Humans have a long way to go in his eyes, they haven't figured out that mutants are the future, that they should be accepted as equals, if not their superiors, but on the flip-side, mutants as a whole have to show they are equal, and better, and realize being so does not mean they can abuse and take advantage of humans. Of course, it's one thing to think and believe that, and another to live it, as Kaz well knows.
Mutation description: Through all the changes and twists he and his mutation have gone through one thing remained constant, his ability to alter, to manipulate, his physical form and abilities. He has learned out how to freely and consciously alter any and all of his physical attributes, from increasing his height, density, strength, speed, reflexes, senses, hair length and color, skin pigmentation, and more.
Summary: Strengths: (Details below Weakness section) *Create a number of limbs or limb-like appendages. *Able to increase his Strength, Speed, Senses and other physical attributes greatly. *Can alter his height within a certain range. *Ability to change the placement of damage to other parts of his body or spread damage out into many smaller areas of damage. *Can increase his mass rapidly with access to enough food.
Summary: Weaknesses: (Details below Weakness section) *Must always have at least two arms and two legs, can never have a second head, limit 8 limbs total. Must get use to altered form, the more altered and unfamiliar, the more time it takes. *Must maintain a balance of his physical abilities; For higher strength, lower speed and vice-verse. *Max height: 12ft, Min height: 4ft. *Increased senses can be debilitating or overwhelming. *Altering his form is stressful on his body and his mind, to many changes, or changing too often in a short time can lead to headaches, migraines, organ failure or even death. Once a form is achieved, there is no additional stress to maintain it. *His voracious appetite means he must consume much more than the average person.
Strengths: Kaz's body is completely malleable to his will, with few limitations to what he can do with it. *Create fully functioning limbs beyond his two legs and two arms; The created limbs can be any limb-like appendage, a tail for example. *Without increasing his abilities beyond their norm, Kaz's physical attributes are quite superhuman. His senses are always at a superhuman level which he is fully accustomed and acclimated to. *When focusing his abilities on physical strength (which includes strengthening muscles, connective tissues, bones, etc., to handle the physical stress), he is able to lift an object(s) weighing up to a hundred thousand pounds (100,000lbs). *When focusing his abilities on physical speed (which includes strengthening muscles, connective tissues, bones, etc., to handle the physical stress, and increasing his reaction time), he is able to move at speeds on par with the fastest racing cars (300mph). *He can increase both his strength and speed, or other attribute, but he must maintain a balance. *Kaz can increase any one of his senses or all of them beyond superhuman. Doing so does not take much focus from other attributes, but increasing one or all of them has their own drawbacks. Though hearing is what he is most adept at so the drawbacks of higher levels of it hinder him and affect him less than other senses. *He is able to alter his size up to 12ft tall or down to 4ft. This increase/decrease in height also increases his body proportionately. *Kaz is able to alter the density of his body and change it to absorb more stress, this is always done in response to an increase to any of his physical abilities, except senses. It can also be done on its own, for example, he can change his skin to be thicker and tougher to stop military grade ammunition. *Because he can manipulate his body as he sees fit, if he is damaged he can shift the damaged around to remove the wound. The damage is still there, it's just spread out or moved to a different part of his body. *Kaz stores the basic building blocks of an organic body inside himself, as everyone does, and he uses these stores to create limbs or alter his size, the difference is when Kaz undoes these alterations, his body reabsorbs everything to be used at a later time. His high metabolism allows him to intake nutrients and other things vital to life in a very short period of time, so if he needs more for a certain alteration, he can increase his mass by shoving a lot of food down his throat in a short span of time.
Weaknesses and Limitations: Though he can alter much about himself, he has limits: *No more than eight limbs total at any given time, though he must always have at minimum: Two arms and two legs. Though technically not a limb, for clarification, he cannot have a second head. Each limb he possesses beyond the normal four reduces how much of his full abilities he could utilize. If Kaz alters his body's proportions to anything besides a scaled up version of himself, it makes him slightly unbalanced and he won't move normally until he gets use to it, which usually take a short time and a little experimentation. *He can alter his height between 12ft and 4ft but not beyond. An increase in height, dictates that his strength also grows in response while limiting the upward limits of his strength to 80,000lbs and limits the upper limits of his speed to 150mph. *Increasing his strength or his speed to his physical maximum, limits him to in all other ways to the level of a normal peak human. The exception to this is senses. *While having very acute senses can be a good thing, they can also be debilitating depending on what he is perceiving. The sound a pin dropping which could be nearly imperceptible to nearly everyone could be overwhelmingly deafening to him, the minute heat of a lighter could feel as if he were standing in a blaze and may cause him to burn, even dim light where most can't see could be blinding to him and flickering lights could cause seizures. Each sense when increase has similar drawbacks, though the drawbacks to heightened hearing affect him less. *Though Kaz can potentially move at speeds up to 300mph, he does not have any special mental processing ability. While his superhuman reaction speeds and physical abilities would allow him to avoid many things once he notices them, he does not in fact perceive the world faster, meaning crashes or misjudgments in distance would cause him to crash into something or even tumble, both most likely ending spectacularly. *No matter if he increases the durability of his body, his organs are sill vulnerable, he tried to make them thicker and able to withstand more punishment, but in doing so they didn't function correctly and he nearly killed himself. His organs are naturally more resilient due to years of stress, but any attempt at forcing more on them is a death wish. *The shuffling of damaged sustained is very stressful on Kaz's body and he still needs to heal any damage naturally. A stab from a sword may become a thousand smaller cuts spread out over his body, but it will take just as long for them all to heal as the one wound. Also, he cannot shuffle or remove damage to organs the way he can with the rest of his body. *Altering his physical form is stressful on the body, but mostly on the mind. The slower the change the less stress while the faster the change the more stressful. The further from the human form (extra limbs, limbs with extra joints, etc.) the more stress he will be under during the change and the more it taxes him. Once a change is done it imposes no more stress on his body or mind as there's no need to 'maintain' the form since it stays until he changes it. Regardless of if it is done quickly or slowly, returning to his natural/normal form inflicts no stress on him, as it somewhat like relaxing a lightly held fist. *The stress inflicted on his mind and body will first manifest as a light headache that cannot be helped with medication, the headache will continue to get worse until it becomes a full blown migraine, unless he is able to rest and recover. If he does not rest, it will begin to affect his ability to change is form and reduce his overall physical abilities until he is as weak as a normal human, not even a peak human. In addition, depending on what he has done to his body and what, if any, damage he has sustained, organs may begin to fail, there may be bleeding from the eyes, nose or ears, he may begin coughing blood, or he may fall unconscious, possibly falling into a coma; Any of these may begin to occur as soon as his headache becomes a migraine. If any of these begin to occur, there's a fair chance of complete organ failure along with permanent brain damage and/or death. *Kaz has a voracious physical appetite. Overall, he needs to consume an average of 5,000 calories a day. On a day to day basis this need varies. When he changes his body a lot, either by increasing attributes or gaining limbs, he would need to consume even more. Days where he does very little in terms of altering his body, he needs to consume less. In addition to his appetite, his metabolism is beyond human, which is both a blessing and curse. He is able to process certain things such as alcohol and some poisons extremely fast, at times it is fast enough to avoid any real damage, other times this acceleration makes everything worse taking what would be manageable over a long period of time into something he has to deal with all at the same time, with possibly deadly consequences.
Physical Abilities
General Physical Capabilities: Putting aside his mutations benefits, Kaz is naturally extremely flexible and does not tire easily or quickly from physical exertion. A lifetime of training and conditioning puts him at peak human levels physically. Fighting Style: Kaz has trained in many different armed and unarmed martial arts, in addition he is a trained an accomplished gymnast, and is skilled in throwing object, like knives, and firearms. Fighting Style Pros/Cons: Kaz is not a static fighter, nor has he had a chance to pit his skills against others as equally skilled. He doesn't tend to fight dirty, he will if he has to, but he prefers to fight one on one in fair fights. While he likes to get in close where he can use his physical abilities to his advantage, he won't shy away from striking from a distance. If he takes a fight seriously, there's a very good chance he will try to end it as fast, as brutally, and efficiently as he can.
History Of Your Character Kaz grew up in a suburb just outside Phoenix Arizona. He was born to wealthy parents and all of his physical and material wants and needs were always given to him at the drop of a hat. Silver-white hair and red eyes were his most distinguishing features at that age and it was assumed he was an albino for a long time. It was very apparent to his parents and those who knew him that he was different, special. Kaz seemed to almost skip the crawling stage and was running full speed, hardly ever tripping or falling, by his first year, though he didn't begin speaking until very late, nearly three years old.
At some point, before he was five years old, he had taken an interest in gymnastics and took classes every day. He took to it very quickly and nearly without flaws. It didn't take long for him to graduate from the beginner level to advanced and finally to expert levels. By eight years old, he was competing nationally against people two to three times his age, and not just in one event. Kaz participated in all events available when he could except group events, he even participated in rhythmic events though they were his least enjoyable and what he was worse at. It quickly apparent he wasn't learning anything new nor was he improving, so he stopped going to the gym.
Around that same time he was introduced to the old Bruce Lee movies and was enthralled. He watched them over and over copying his movements as best he could. Anytime he was not asleep or in school, he was taking lessons in martial arts, not just one style but three or four a day. He practiced and learned these to the exclusion of all other activities, not that he cared, he was annoyed by other children. Being antisocial and recluses themselves, his parents didn't push him to try and make friends or spend time with other children. King-fu, specifically Jeet Kune Do, and Karate were the first two styles he began to learn, Tai chi, Jujitsu, and Akido quickly followed. As time progressed, when Kaz and his instructors came to conclusion that he wasn't learning anything new or progressing, he would drop from that class and pick up another one. This was done on a fairly regular basis, so much so that though he was barely passing his school classes, his parents would pay for instructors to come and tutor him personally for an hour or two a day for months on end. His appetite for these lessons was voracious, it was like he was in the desert under the hot sun and the only way to survive was to drink the water that were those lessons. With each previous style he learned, the ones that came after seemed to be easier and easier. Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Kendo, Eskrima, and Bojutsu were among those styles he plowed through and assimilated. Kaz had in no way mastered or come close to mastering any of the various styles and disciplines he learned, but he had learned all he could from his instructors, higher levels of instructors were either too expensive or they wouldn't travel to him.
By middle school Kaz's attention had moved away from learning new martial art style and into something a bit more traditional: American Sports. In his first year he qualified for the Varsity teams for football, hockey, and soccer. He was a naturally gifted athlete on top of his physical training and conditioning from countless hours of practicing various martial arts, this had him leading the way a the top player in each. While the coaches were thrilled with him, many of the other players were not, and they took to tormenting and attacking him when they could. One on one, Kaz dominated them, even two or three on one he could hold his own, they learned this quickly though and after they always went after him in large numbers, using cheap shots, and surprise tactics. Kaz's face became a frequent sight not just at the school infirmary but at the hospital, broken or fractured bones, concussions, needing stitches, and other sometimes minor injuries. He never told anyone how it happened or who did it, but he felt a burning hatred within him for the boys. He wouldn't let it control him or his actions, he told himself he wouldn't act on that hatred...not until he knew he could get away with it. So instead he put all his effort into outshining them even more, to show them he could be beaten, but they were still shit.
Kaz's grades had started their way back to a decent level while in middle school, but only because it was necessary to continue playing. For the four years of middle school (5-8) and the first year of high school it was pretty much the same day after day. It was during his sophomore year that his mutation really became active, while he had been quick, study, strong, and alert before, he became even more so. There were times he moved so quickly his feet almost seemed to blur to trap a ball and keep it from the other players, he was taking hits and stopping linemen twice his size cold, he didn't just check players a bit away from him or into walls, he shouldered them onto the ice and over the walls, when he hit a puck he could knock the goaly back or cause them to drop it from numbed hands even through the padding. At first these were isolated incidents, but they became more and more common. Just as people were beginning to make protests, Kaz stopped going to school all together. The only person from his school that seemed to care that he wasn't around was his girlfriend at the time, Elana. She tried to get in contact with him and even went to places they went together or places she knew Kaz liked to frequent alone, with no luck. He wasn't ignoring her exactly, but he was attempting to get the hang of his new abilities, to make it so the bursts of power were a constant flow instead of short explosions. During that time Kaz really got into practicing his swordplay. He had learned some over the course of some of his martial arts training, but he hadn't really given it the focus he gave everything else.
At some point Kaz's father had been contacted by a 'Head Hunter' and offered a job in New York City. The job itself paid enough to cover both his father's and his mother's salaries with extra padding, not that his mother would not work when they moved, she just wouldn't have to if she didn't feel like it. Before they moved Kaz finally got in touch with Elana and over the course of a three day weekend, made up for all the attention he hadn't been giving her. He never told her he was moving or where to, he only left a note on her nightstand with one word written on it, "Goodbye". Of course Kaz had an ulterior motive for spending so much time with the girl, that night after she fell asleep he had gotten ahold of the guys who had sent him to the hospital so many times and met them at one of the old warehouses in town. When they showed up he killed all of them, only a few were still alive when he torched them and burned the building down around them. He was on a plane to NYC before the fires could be brought under control.
Once in NYC and enrolled in school there, Kaz didn't let anyone get the wrong idea bout him, the first person to talk smack about him wound up with a broken jaw. He repeated the action a few more times over the first few months until he cowed most of the students and their friends into leaving him alone. After a few months of being in school he dropped out for the rest of the school year, which caused him to repeat his sophomore year when he finally did return, and repeat his junior year as well because he stopped going to school again. NYC had many more dojos for him to check out, styles he was familiar with and those he wasn't, all the time he spent away from school was spent at those places or the sword club he had found. The most interesting thing he had found was a little known illegal fight club of sorts where he was able to pit his skills against others. The only way to make it an even match was by not employing his full abilities. Most matches were unarmed, some were armed, and some, though rarely, were 'No Rules' fights. He won more often than he lost, but when he did loose he asked his opponent if they would teach him and if not point him to where they had learned. This was the greatest cause of his increased skill in the art of violence. The money he made from the fights went to paying for the classes and training he received.
Even the years Kaz didn't bother going to school, he still participated in the talent show. They tried to deny him the first year because he hadn't bothered showing up, but that was taken care of when either his mother or father spoke to the principle. What they had said he didn't know, but the school didn't try to bar him again. By the end of his senior year, he had participated five times, each time he showed off his martial arts skill sometimes mixing in swords (boken because real swords weren't allowed) and throwing knives (again wooden practice knives). Somehow showing off each year and his anti-social behavior gained him some sort of odd popularity, mostly with the girls, though he wasn't sure if it was because they actually liked him or if it was some sort of high school politics at play.
Kaz's mother was killed in a car accident the summer before he was to repeat his junior year over again. Even though Kaz and his parents hadn't really been close, his mother had only ever asked that he finish school, and with his father retreating into his work and almost never going home, Kaz decided to do what his mother had wanted; He finished high school, though just barely.
During his senior year Kaz had gotten close to and involved with Judy Rose. She had somewhat jokingly told him to marry her during one of their classes together in junior year. What started out as a somewhat rocky friendship at first progressed quickly to a full relationship. Her ex had objected to the two dating quite vocally, if he had said things only about Kaz, he might have let the guy be, but he mad the mistake of speaking venomous comments about Judy and a month after high school was over he was found unconscious in a coma.
Kaz had left home during senior year and gotten his own apartment, one she shared with Judy quite often though she still lived with her parents. When school was over they had begun talking about moving in together full time and the possibility of marriage. It was shortly after she had proposed to him, and he accepted, that she was murdered as she was walking towards her parents' house. Kaz was a wreck for months afterward, causing trouble, picking random fights, trashing bars he had no real business being in, eventually this caught up to him after he broke a few walls in his apartment and was evicted shortly after.
While living on the streets Kaz ran into someone who would be a bit of a catalyst for change. Eldwyn was being chased by a small group of men, as they passed him, he could tell that Eldwyn had been shot and had a number of knife wounds. Eldwyn didn't seem to notice his focus was so intent on getting away and protecting whatever he was carrying. A mental movie played of those men chasing Judy, catching her, violating her before killing her and taking everything she had. Before Kaz knew what he was doing, he had followed them, took a knife from one of the men, slit his and his companion's throats before the first guy hit the ground. After picking up the weapons the man had carried Kaz moved to find Eldwyn who had run down an alley. Kaz didn't have any warning before he was picked up and thrown against the side of a building. On the rebound his eyes focused and saw Eldwyn with an arm outstretched towards him. Kaz flicked a hand and the knife he had used to kill the men embedded itself in the concrete alley at Eldwyn's feet.
After their initial meeting the two got to talking and realized they were in a position to help each other. Eldwyn secured a building for them as they went to work finding a couple others to help them. In a few months time they had come across two people that fit what they were looking for: Derrek and Jason. Jason manipulated light and was able to hide himself and other people/objects from view, rendering them effectively invisible. Derrek controlled sound he would use his abilities to mask, negate, and warp the sounds they made.
The four of them planned and executed 12 bank heists, hitting three each night down the East Coast. Eldwyn had things all set up to launder the money as soon as they had it. With an equal cut each, Derrk and Jason took off cutting ties with Kaz and Eldwyn when the job was done. After a short time Eldwyn began to feel guilty for what they had done and left to do something to 'purify' himself. Not sure what to do with his cut, he got in contact with a financial adviser of sorts. He didn't know it at the time, but Hunter had manipulating things so that he could help the young man out, the financial adviser was on his payroll. Through her he became the owner of a number of different businesses large and small, in many different areas, she also invested his money into other companies which allowed him to gain a large number of shares of some of the largest companies in the US as well as becoming part owner of a R&D company, Atlas Munitions, the other half of which was owned by Hunter. With most of his money put to legitimate ways, Kaz had enough income to never have to work and live extremely comfortably.
Having worked with other mutants Kaz was drawn to the idea of living or at least being around others like him, so he looked into places that were specifically for mutants. The first place he thought of was of course the Mansion, but even without ever having been there the their goals didn't sit well with him, so he kept looking. Eventually he learned of the Sanctuary set up by Dorian King. Shortly after moving into the building he and a number others became the first members of the Order. Their first order of business was to take possession of a mutant, Jack, more commonly known as Haywire. They stormed the facility where Haywire was being held and brought her to King Pharmaceuticals. The Order then captured a few mutants and humans to see what would happen to them when exposed to Haywire's powers, among other things, most of which Kaz had no knowledge of.
In that time Kaz had taken it upon himself to enroll at the Mansion to learn about the residents, specifically the X-Men. His first day there he met a young woman, Nikki Thomas, and shortly after the two became romantically involved.
At some point the X-Men had gotten wind of what the Order had done and sent their own to snoop the Sanctuary and King Pharmaceuticals. Though they found very little (next to nothing), to support their position, they bulled ahead and attacked the Order at KP in order to free the 'imprisoned' and 'obviously mistreated' Haywire. The two groups parted after a brief but bloody fight taking out at least one helicopter and crushing a squad car in the process.
Hunter had approached Kaz shortly before the KP fight with a job offer, which Kaz hadn't excepted until Hunter revealed how involved he had been in Kaz's life and for how many years he had been watching him. Hunter offered him a number of bonuses to joining him, the most substantial was to turn over full control and ownership of Atlas Munitions to Kaz.
After the fight, Kaz split with the Order and went to work officially for Hunter and his Kabal, at the same time he moved fully into his Warehouse, which was a good thing at the time since he wasn't at Sanctuary when it was raided once the Registration Act was put into action. While Hunter and others went about to try and overturn it, Kaz was left in charge of Mondragon Labs, Kabal, and the resistance. It became apparent that Kaz wasn't well suited to the task, for various reasons.
After a number of encounters with the Stalkers Kaz had fallen into a coma of sorts. When he awoke he found that Nikki, who had proposed marriage some weeks before the end of the Registration Act, had gone missing. Kaz dropped everything to search for her with nothing to show for his months of effort. He once again split with the group he had allied himself with, living alone and beginning to question his life again since he felt so lost. A chance encounter with Iris as well as getting involved with Maya/Ghost (who he knew as Vega) in a strictly business/financial sense helped orient him towards the Mansion and the X-Men. He joined both for a short time.
When Romania enacted their own version of a Mutant Registration Act, Kaz and a number of X-Men and X-Initiates/Trainees entered the country to do what they could to help the mutants there. During a mission Kaz was caught off guard and captured without being ready for it, as such he was locked into the Camps until there was a mass breakout, after which he dropped off the face of the planet as far as anyone knew.
The next two or so years were a difficult time for Kaz, with most of it quite hard to piece together. Most of his memories from those years are fragmented, jumbled, and seem to follow no logical pattern or discernible timeline. Quite often, what he does remember seems to conflict with other memories. This is thanks to a certain type of mutant, a type Kaz has a loathing for. He feels hate, disgust, mistrust, and near instant animosity towards these people.
Kaz was always wary of them before, and after the events of those scrambled years, if all psychics dropped dead all at once, he'd jump for joy.
What Kaz has been able to piece together is this: During those foggy months, two psychics had taken control of Kaz, turning him into their slave for a time. Though each of them did this in a different way, a slave is a slave.
Tara had warped and twisted Kaz's memories, even created new ones, just so she could use him and his abilities to further who own goals and agendas. She had been his sister at first, then later, after he had begun to see the inconsistencies, she was his lover, his wife. In the end he had killed her after spending a night together.
He had done something especially well and she had rewarded him, but something she said or did tickled something within his memories that let him push through her manipulations just enough to take advantage of the moment. Kaz remembered the taste of her skin, as he kissed her neck, a breath before he ripped her throat out with his teeth.
Xander... Thinking of that man always hurt Kaz's mind. He didn't remember much about what had happened to him or what he had done after Xander had literally turned Kaz into a mind slave. His will had been broken and smashed and locked away within his mind so strongly that he only had fractured, broken, and jumbled memories of that time. Even those little flashes of memories were disjointed, distorted, and incomplete. Kaz had been the man's perfectly obedient puppet, at least until someone had attacked Xander.
As far as Kaz had been able to piece together in the years since, Xander had been at war with some other group, or faction or something similar, and Kaz had been his muscle. They had finally found Xander and attacked. Xander had, at some point, crushed the attackers into submission, but let his control over Kaz slip. In that heartbeat of weakness, Kaz had punched his fist into the man's back and tore his spine out. At least that's what he assumed. He had been in such an insane rage that when he finally came to some semblance of sanity, absolutely everyone that had been in the area was dead, and Kaz still had the man's spine in his hand.
Once he was free and on his own again, he spent the next few years doing what he could to help other mutants when he came across them or heard of mutants being held captive. During that time he began putting most of his resources towards helping mutants relocate and start new lives, with new places to live and work. This lead to him investing heavily in businesses and housing to support the mutants he helped.
Roleplay What’s your OOC alias?: Val Where did you learn about this site?: Google originally. Do you have any other characters on MRO, if so who: Inactive/Retired: Eldwyn, Gearhead, Gargoyle, Aurion Sample RP: Kaz watched his students move from one stance into another, from one form into the next, as he walked around his spacious dojo clapping solidly and loudly enough for all to hear, each sound a signal to move to the next step in the sequence. Every once in a while he'd call a halt and have them hold a pose field questions about it and to correct a student's form. These were his Intermediate students, some had just graduated from the Beginner class, others had been there for some time. One thing he always did was make sure they never forgot the basics, so every session, once in the beginning and once before the end, he had them go through the basic forms. As he explained many, many times, without a solid foundation, the basics, any and all higher forms will not hold, they will not work.
This day was one of those days he would have to explain it again.
During one of the pauses, as he was correcting Thomas' form he asked what the point of the current form was. In response Kaz jabbed at him, not especially fast, but it would make Thomas react without thinking. To Kaz's surprise he responded not with what they were practicing but with something completely different, it wasn't something Kaz was unfamiliar with though, and Kaz let him catch his arm in the move. "See what I mean, if this works why do it the other way?" Kaz didn't say anything as he twisted his body and arm blocking the young man's other arm and threw him to the mat. "That's why."
Thomas gasped and said somewhat breathlessly, "What was that?" "That," Kaz said as he pulled the boy up, "Was something you'd learn when you graduate from this class. It's a response to what you're learning now, and you'd learn the counter to it as well." He made sure he looked at everyone else in the room, "This is why you need to practice the basics always. It's like anything you build, without a strong base and support, it will fall apart."
"That's cheating though, using a move I don't know, it doesn't count."
"Think so? We'll do it again, but this time use the correct form."
Thomas move into the stance and form and Kaz told him what form to move into next. Kaz once again jabbed at Thomas, though much slower this time. When Thomas' arm moved to place and locked onto Kaz's, Kaz clapped his free hand against his thigh and Thomas changed forms. Kaz's body was forced downward and away from the boy. Kaz moved to strike but Thomas moved into yet another form and was able to deflect Kaz's strike. Without moving or pulling away Kaz again addressed the class, "Did you all see what happened?" Many of them nodded or said yes, but others Kaz could tell clearly hadn't. Nodding to Thomas, he moved to the front of the room, and began a shadow-boxing session with the class. He set the stance and then had them react to a strike using only what they had learned thus far.
After a number of hours went by, Kaz had them conclude with the basics which let them cool off, cool down and let them know the session was almost over, as well as carving the basics deeper into them. When it was over and all of his students left Kaz went into the back to relax and refresh himself before the next group showed up in less than an hour. He was a little surprised at the time, but since he didn't allow phones in the dojo and there was only one clock which was only visible from Kaz's place at the front sessions sometimes ran long or short. After a quick shower and a change of clothes he looked at his phone and saw a missed call and no voicemail.
Recognizing the number Kaz returned the call, on the third ring, "Mr. Corydon."
"Hello Emily, I hope your day's been well. Good news I hope."
"As well as can be expected, considering what I've been doing."
"That bad huh?"
After a brief pause, "They're asking for 30% more than what you allowed me to authorize, as well as an exclusive contract for no less than five years." Before Kaz could ask, "I think they're worth it, but I anticipate their prices will go up in the last year or two."
There was the sound of metal scraping against ice as Kaz used a pick to chop off chunks of ice from the freezer into a glass. "Is their supplier included in the contract?" Kaz poured a dark alcohol into the glass and took a sip as Emily responded.
Emily's voice changed just a little as if she were smiling just a little bit, "No it isn't. They use a number of suppliers to," She was cut off briefly by a soft 'Heh' from Kaz, "..My thoughts exactly. It will increase the initial investment significantly, but in the end, as long as we diversify a bit more, we.." She corrected herself quickly, "You, should make a decent profit in the end."
Kaz grimaced a little without making a sound. This was why he disliked working with humans, not that mutants didn't do the same thing, but in a world that takes liberties with them already, he expects them to do whatever they can to get ahead, humans on the other hand have everything going for them, and yet they try to cheat and steal more from others, even when they are getting a fair cut. He knew Emily was skimming funds from him for herself, and he never would have noticed if he hadn't had Mathias watching and going through his various accounts and holdings. Both of them were good with money, but Emily was good at making deals and contracts. He'd eventually show his hand to her and take back everything she was taking from him, but for now, he needed her.
"Do it. Offer them a 10 year contract with fixed rates, supply and inflation rate increases taken into account, add in the stipulation to use certain suppliers only." Which of course would be the suppliers HE owned, or would own shortly. "What about the locations?"
"Will do. Are you sure about the loca-"
"Yes, don't ask again."
"..Right, then.. We'll have a few laws to deal with and need special permits to-"
"I understand. I'm sure you can take care of all that, right? Or should I contact Brodrick..."
"That won't be necessary, I'll handle it." Kaz smirked at her tone of voice. "Just to confirm, you still want to double to asking price?"
"Yes, I want those locations. If they try to hold out, offer two-fifty or I'll take my business somewhere else." After another drink, but before she could say anything, "Oh, don't worry about security, Brodrick has that taken care of. The Sentinels will be on hand at all locations to oversee things." The Sentinels were a private security group Kaz had put together. They had been random mutants and a few humans, all with military or combat experience, they were more like a private military than a security force, but Kaz didn't want to leave things to chance. If he was going to go through with his plans, he needed to be able to keep the peace.
The mention of the Sentinels clearly put Emily on edge. "..Understood. I'll call again after my next round of meetings."
Kaz ended the call without responding. After finishing his drink he go up and moved to the supply room, unlocking the arms room, he brought the racks to the dojo. The next class was his favorite one, and as always, Elaina was the first to arrive. After stowing her stuff in a locker she moved to help him set up. She was young, younger than he was at least, 22 or 23, slim and fit, generously curvy for her body frame, long black hair pulled back and braided, bright brown eyes, light olive skin, and just shy of five and a half feet tall. Though she was a student of his, they had met before she joined his classes, and they had spent more than a few nights together. He didn't love her, and he didn't think she loved him, but they were good company for each other from time to time. Besides, she had a bit of a knack for swordplay, she was his best student by far, he wouldn't let her go easily.
Elaina caught Kaz looking at her and with a knowing grin gave him a better view as she moved the last rack to the side of the room, swaying her hips more than was strictly needed. Laughing as he threw his hands up, "Okay, okay, you caught me." He watched her as she turned to look at him. She was still wearing her street clothes which fit her quite well, in more than one way. She never changed until the class was just about to start. "You were being pretty obvious about it Pretty-boy."
"That was obvious? Then what's this?" Kaz moved to her, lifted her chin and kissed her, arm around her waist pulling her close.
The kiss was a bit marred by her laughing. When she pulled back, "Fun, that's what it is. And completely inappropriate!" She hit his chest playfully, "Taking advantage of your student like that, you're shameless."
"So...diner and a movie tonight?"
"Shameless and cliche. What food and movie?" She said with a smirk.
"I was thinking whatever's at the drive-in and barbecuing there."
"As long as it's not some chick-flick, I'm game."
Kaz was about to move in for another kiss when he saw another of his students entering the lobby. "Damn," He looked to Elaina, "Time to get ready. Pick you up at nine, okay?"
Elaina gave him a wink as she sashayed into the changing room. Kaz turned to the racks and began to inspect the swords, all wooden practice swords of various types, to get his mind back where it should be and off of the night ahead of him.