The X-men run missions and work together with the NYPD, striving to maintain a peaceful balance between humans and mutants. When it comes to a fight, they won't back down from protecting those who need their help.
Haven presents itself as a humanitarian organization for activists, leaders, and high society, yet mutants are the secret leaders working to protect and serve their kind. Behind the scenes they bring their goals into reality.
From the time when mutants became known to the world, SUPER was founded as a black-ops division of the CIA in an attempt to classify, observe, and learn more about this new and rising threat.
The Syndicate works to help bring mutantkind to the forefront of the world. They work from the shadows, a beacon of hope for mutants, but a bane to mankind. With their guiding hand, humanity will finally find extinction.
Since the existence of mutants was first revealed in the nineties, the world has become a changed place. Whether they're genetic misfits or the next stage in humanity's evolution, there's no denying their growing numbers, especially in hubs like New York City. The NYPD has a division devoted to mutant related crimes. Super-powered vigilantes help to maintain the peace. Those who style themselves as Homo Superior work to tear society apart for rebuilding in their own image.
MRO is an intermediate to advanced writing level original character, original plot X-Men RPG. We've been open and active since October of 2005. You can play as a mutant, human, or Adapted— one of the rare humans who nullify mutant powers by their very existence. Goodies, baddies, and neutrals are all welcome.
Short Term Plots:Are They Coming for You?
There have been whispers on the streets lately of a boogeyman... mutant and humans, young and old, all have been targets of trafficking.
The Fountain of Youth
A chemical serum has been released that's shaving a few years off of the population. In some cases, found to be temporary, and in others...?
MRO MOVES WITH CURRENT TIME: What month and year it is now in real life, it's the same for MRO, too.
Fuegogrande: "Fuegogrande" player of The Ranger, Ion, Rhia, and Null
Neopolitan: "Aly" player of Rebecca Grey, Stephanie Graves, Marisol Cervantes, Vanessa Bookman, Chrysanthemum Van Hart, Sabine Sang, Eupraxia
Ongoing Plots
Magic and Mystics
After the events of the 2020 Harvest Moon and the following Winter Solstice, magic has started manifesting in the MROvere! With the efforts of the Welldrinker Cult, people are being converted into Mystics, a species of people genetically disposed to be great conduits for magical energy.
The Pharoah Dynasty
An ancient sorceress is on a quest to bring her long-lost warrior-king to the modern era in a bid for global domination. Can the heroes of the modern world stop her before all is lost?
Are They Coming for You?
There have been whispers on the streets lately of a boogeyman... mutant and humans, young and old, all have been targets of trafficking.
What if the human race began to adapt to the mutant threat? What if the human race changed ever so subtly... without the x-gene.
The lost city of Atlantis has been found! Refugees from this undersea mutant dystopia have started to filter in to New York as citizens and businessfolk. You may make one as a player character of run into one on the street.
Got a plot in mind?
MRO plots are player-created the Mods facilitate and organize the big ones, but we get the ideas from you. Do you have a plot in mind, and want to know whether it needs Mod approval? Check out our plot guidelines.
Posted by Ambrose Jaager on Jun 12, 2016 14:24:24 GMT -6
Delta Mutant
Dec 17, 2016 13:23:40 GMT -6
"Hello," Ambrose said. The phone was on speaker now; it didn't matter to him, though, because his hearing was more than enough for him to make out Elliott's employer's earlier words. And she did not sound happy. At least Elliott was keeping his calm. The boy would make a wonderful negotiator, and that was something Ambrose was slightly lacking in. Eloquent people, that was. Most Ragnarok members were delightfully brutish, but sometimes a bit of a softer, less bloody touch was needed.
"Am I speaking to the employer of Elliott Thomas?" Ambrose said, politely but in a way that indicated that all of this really was a great inconvenience to him. He waited for the woman's assent, and then continued. "Splendid. Now, I'm aware that you have not yet informed me of the terms of your deal, but - and excuse me, but to put it bluntly - I don't care. I don't know how or why you decided to come to me, but I'm afraid that I must inform you that Jaager Worldwide does not deal in illegitimate matters. We are, however, hiring interns. So these are the terms of my deal. Elliott Thomas here will be given a paid internship at Jaager Worldwide. He will no longer be listed as an employee of Cerberus something-or-other, and he will no longer be contacted to perform any jobs for outside parties such as you." Ambrose was fully aware that while his words sounded perfectly nonchalant, his voice was positively laced with venom at Cerberus's clumsy attempts to get his attention. "I would also ask that you please cease any future attempts to breach JW's security, because it is an inconvenience to us all." He leaned back in his chair, finally ending his barrage of words. He wasn't quite aiming to humiliate them, especially in front of one of their employees, but - okay, that was exactly what he was trying to do. He was just hoping that it worked, because he hated dealing with amateurs and didn't want to deal with these specific ones in the future.
"Those are my terms. Now let's discuss what you want."
Posted by Ambrose Jaager on Jun 11, 2016 10:46:18 GMT -6
Delta Mutant
Dec 17, 2016 13:23:40 GMT -6
"I'd be delighted to," she said, and while Ambrose was surprised because he really didn't think her mutation would be any use at all in a fight, he was a little bit relieved that the air of hostility towards each other was slightly gone. She strode up to him, and he started walking towards the source of the noise once she'd caught up. "Just tell me which guys are the bad guys."
"I'd presume that if they're shooting at us, then they're bad guys," he said dryly as they turned a corner, before suddenly ducking back around the side of a house. He'd gotten a brief glance at the attackers before he'd moved so as to keep the element of surprise, and they looked a bit like your everyday terrorists. There were no visible mutants, as far as he could see, and they were worryingly geared up in what looked like full combat gear, with helmets and bulletproof vests and all. He hadn't the slightest clue who they were, but he suspected he'd get a chance to find out in a moment, because he could hear one of them thumping noisily (noisily to him, that is) towards the edge of the building that the two of them were currently concealed by. The house was situated right on the corner of a cobblestone street, and the side just adjacent to the one they were hidden on was the side that was clearly within view of the attackers. One of the shooters was loudly tramping his way through the grass opposite to that side, presumably sent out to check if anyone was there.
Ambrose pressed himself up against the building's corner, right where the shooter would pass in a couple of seconds, not bothering to tell Noel to be quiet or anything like that, because he was pretty sure she didn't need him to say it. As soon as the man rounded the corner, Ambrose's clawed hand whipped out, tearing out the man's vocal chords. Thankfully, his neck was protected only by a thin layer of cloth, so Ambrose didn't end up ripping out a claw on something a bit stronger. He then proceeded to snap the shooter's neck. The entire takedown was near-silent, and Ambrose immediately snatched the man's weapon and tossed it to Noel without even looking to see if she was paying attention. "I'm hoping you know how to use that," he said, keeping his voice quiet, as he dragged the body towards them so it was completely concealed by the building. He started rummaging through the various pockets on the vests, looking for something, anything, that could be helpful. All he found was a few grenades, which he left where they were, and a pistol that he tucked into the back of his pants. He wouldn't say this out loud, but he had no idea what kind of weapon the big gun he'd tossed to Noel was, which was exactly why he'd given it to her. A pistol, he could figure out. Whatever that weapon was, he was more likely to shoot himself with it than he was to shoot an actual enemy. No, he was going to rely more on his teeth and claws here. Transforming would hurt, be loud, and totally ruin their element of surprise, so he was going to stick with this form for now.
Posted by Ambrose Jaager on Jun 11, 2016 10:29:22 GMT -6
Delta Mutant
Dec 17, 2016 13:23:40 GMT -6
Ambrose circled overhead for a bit after dropping the META bot to just observe the extent of the girl's capabilities. She'd followed him off of the roof, soaring through the air with wings of her own, but she'd landed at some point for some reason. Well, it did make some sense - she was a bit fleshier than Ambrose was, and by the way her wings dimmed from "sort-of grey that means blood vessels but no real body mass" to "nearly black that means a solid object," he was guessing her powers extended to transforming her wings into some other substance. He couldn't tell exactly what, his eyesight being far too useless for that, but he could hear darts hitting them and falling to the ground. If he were to guess, he'd say some kind of stone, but the sound of the ricochet wasn't quite right for that. He supposed he'd find out the specifics later.
He heard the sound of a muffled curse, and glanced back down again to see the girl using one wing as a shield as she walked forward, as the other flapped wildly behind her. She was heading right into the throng of police officers, all of whom were still firing at her, as she seemed like a more immediate threat than the still-circling Ambrose. That didn't seem particularly intelligent. She didn't look, sound, or smell armed, so how in the world was she going to achieve anything except -
He winced as the sound of something grating against metal hit his ears, and was then greeted with the sudden sharp scent of blood.
Curious, having missed what had just happened, Ambrose circled lower. It seemed as if she'd fired off her feathers or something, because a police officer had just been impaled by something that was the same "color" as her wings. Darts were studded all across the battlefield, and her wings seemed minimally shorter. That was interesting. It was a strange mutation, using your one method of escape as a weapon, but apparently it worked.
He thudded to the ground next to her, the concrete audibly cracking as he landed. The police officers stumbled back, because a massive monster landing on the ground in front of you tended to invoke that reaction. "We are doing well?" the girl asked, hopefully, and he detected an accent and a bit of desperation. Alright then. He might be a monster, but he wasn't a complete jerk. He'd give her her validation.
"Very much so," he said. "Beautiful shot, by the way." He had been impressed by it, and the sadistic part of him was grinning viciously at the scent of panic that was wafting up from the people around him. They'd have to leave soon, though - at this rate, SWAT or some other Big Deal would be called in, and Ambrose wasn't particularly in the mood to deal with that. "Follow me," he ordered, suddenly, and leapt into the air. Yes, he may have forgotten to inform her about exactly why they were leaving, but he hadn't sounded that aggressive, had he?
Once he'd reached a sufficient altitude, high enough in the night sky that the police would need helicopters to even have a chance of hitting him, he turned and started flying towards the warehouse district of the city. He wanted to talk to the girl, just to gather some information, and now that he'd had his fun, it was the time to do so.
"Sorry," the girl said, so quietly, and Ambrose almost felt a little guilty. He was getting the impression that she'd had good - er, evil intentions, and he'd just shut her down like that. That wouldn't do. Ambrose was all about fostering people's anarchic qualities; he was just slightly less philanthropic about it when it interfered with his own playtime. She was young, after all, and impressionable, and she seemed like she desperately wanted to impress him. What if she remembered this moment, and in the future when she was more powerful, she either rejected or outright attacked Ragnarok because of it? That was a worrying bit of foresight, but it was all Ambrose needed to go from a more destruction-oriented mindset to a more recruitment-oriented one. Recruit her, that was - if not as a member of Ragnarok, to further fill out their ranks, then at least as an ally.
"Tell you what," he said, sighing. "I was getting bored anyway." He almost absentmindedly flicked another huge chunk of marble off the roof, and nearly crowed out his excitement when it landed perfectly in the mass of META bots, crushing two or three of them. "I think you had the right idea."
Ambrose yawned, showing off rows of sharp white teeth. He arched his back and roared, and grinned as the police officers scrambled back at the obvious threatening display. Stepping forward a bit, he balanced on the very edge of the courthouse roof, peering down at the scene below him. The police officers seemed to all be armed with tranquilizer weapons - thankfully, it didn't seem like a lot of them had listened to the vindictive one who'd issued the kill order - and he knew from experience that those darts didn't pierce his scales unless they got really lucky. The dosages were also meant for someone of human size, so he estimated that he could take four or five before having to leave.
He glanced back at the girl perched behind him on the roof. "Come on, then," he said, and leapt off. The first thing he did was make a pass at the officers below. He could feel the darts clicking off his scales, and he managed to grab one of the big META bots in his jaws, before circling up in the air and dropping it from a relatively high altitude. It plummeted down and crashed into a police car, smashing the roof in, much to Ambrose's delight.
Something landed beside him, on the courthouse roof, and Ambrose had to stifle his natural instinct to swing at this intruder in case it was somebody on his side. He swung his head around to look critically at her, his vision not allowing for him to see anything other than a fuzzy silhouette. There seemed to be... wings? Attached to her back? That made sense; she had to have gotten up I this roof somehow.
But then the wings disappeared. Ambrose blinked, to make sure his vision wasn't acting up again, but yup, the wings had gone from the bright white of "alive" to the faded grey of "merely present." Something seemed to detach from her wings, flying down upon the scene below them, and Ambrose just barely registered what they were in time to let loose a warning roar at the police. Thankfully, they jumped out of the way, and none of them were hit by whatever projectiles the newcomer had launched.
Now he turned to the winged figure perched next to him on the rooftop and let out a little huff of annoyance. He sniffed critically at her, not recognizing her scent, but getting that she was young and had just been eating pizza. So if he didn't know her, why was she here?
"You shouldn't do that," Ambrose said, annoyed. "If you attack them directly, then they have a reason to attack us. And hurting a police officer is very different from hurting a regular civilian. They're quite vengeful against those who have hurt their own, you know." Essentially, he didn't want to escalate the situation that quickly just yet. He'd been enjoying himself, perched up here and letting the policemen question whether he was doing this deliberately or he'd just lost control of his mutation. Now there was no question that this was deliberate - considering he'd just warned them and spoke to the person next to him - and they'd move in more aggressively soon.
Ambrose swiveled his head around as her heard something from the ground below - armed officers were pouring out of the vans that had just pulled up, and were lining up on the ground, all of their guns aimed at Ambrose. A couple META bots were arriving as well, and Ambrose briefly caught a bit of a conversation between an officer and a META bot handler.
"One of them tried to attack us," the officer said, Ambrose's enhanced hearing easily picking it up, even through the sound of the fire and the chaos below. "Authorizing lethal force."
Ambrose was even more annoyed now. It looked as if he'd have to leave this party early. "Now look what you've done," he growled, casting the growing swarm of META bots an unpleasant glare.
"What a lovely day," Ambrose growled, the corners of his mouth stretching up to show his terrifyingly sharp fangs.
Ragnarok was trying to keep from big attacks when they weren't organized. This was intentional; if the X-Men were called in, one member would be hopelessly outgunned, so they tried to coordinate the bigger attacks. But Ambrose had been walking by the courthouse that day, and the sudden urge to destroy it had just come over him. So, under the cover of night, he'd sneaked into an alleyway and stripped off his human skin. Now, he didn't particularly want to destroy the whole thing. Falling marble really did a number on his own flesh, especially since the courthouse was noticeably larger than he was. But that meant that he was small enough to burst through the doors and start wreaking havoc inside. He'd destroyed as much as he could with his bare... paws? before starting a fire with his conveniently located claws. Now he was perched on top of the courthouse, wings outstretched and occasionally flapping to keep himself balanced, grinning at the rush of the little beetles below.
"Stand down!" the tinny voice of a police officer, shouting through a megaphone, said. And yes, this had been the real intention behind Ambrose's attack - getting the police to come, so he could play with them a bit. "Last warning. We have you surrounded! Come quietly or we will shoot!"
Ambrose could hear the unsureness in the man's voice. He didn't think he'd be able to fit in a holding cell either. Thankfully, he really didn't intend to go anywhere. He flipped a chunk of marble off the courthouse's roof, his grin growing wider when the man scrambled to avoid getting squashed by it. This was fun.
Elliott Thomas. Well, he'd known that already - it'd been plastered all over these internship papers - but in their line of work, telling someone else your real name was either a sign of trust or of stupidity. He was betting it was trust, in this case, and he appreciated that gesture. Ambrose was going to get Panu to do some research, once they'd left this meeting. He didn't expect that it'd be too hard to find records of someone with Elliott's appearance, especially for Panu.
"Of course," Elliott said, immediately pressing the phone up to where Ambrose assumed his ear was. But as for his second, more important question. "It varies depending on job, though. Some can be more. Some less. It depends on how much goes into it. Kind of like a PI." Oh, that was easy. There was nothing more unreliable than a case-by-case salary, and Ambrose could easily match that. Elliott seemed too young to get a regular, paid job, so that limited Ambrose (people would get suspicious of an intern paid more than some employees), but not all too much. The paid internships at JW were notoriously amazing, but he supposed Elliott wouldn't know that, considering Elliott didn't even recognize him immediately.
Ambrose nodded to indicate that he'd heard, but he didn't say anything else. He'd wait until Elliott had his embarrassment of an employer on the phone, and then he'd speak.
Posted by Ambrose Jaager on May 29, 2016 11:41:35 GMT -6
Delta Mutant
Dec 17, 2016 13:23:40 GMT -6
"I understand, sir. We're a legitimate company that works in data management as well as research and development. Cerberus, inc. sent me to give this to you." He pulled out the cell phone. Well, at least he'd seemed somewhat forgiving, but Ambrose was getting the impression now that Elliott was working double-time to salvage his employers' messy attempts at getting on Ambrose's good side. That was something Ambrose could appreciate.
The phone was ringing, and Elliott held it out to him. "You wanted to speak with Cerberus." Ambrose didn't take it quite yet - his attention had now shifted to focus less on the company that'd sent him the delivery and more on the delivery boy himself, and he was staring down Elliott with an unreadable expression on his face. He could tell when someone wanted a specific outcome to happen, and it looked like Elliott wanted him to react in a very specific way. So he held off on doing anything, until suddenly Elliott went and hung up on his employers themselves. Now Ambrose was mildly impressed, even if he didn't show it.
By the time Elliott had finished his little tirade, Ambrose had entirely lost interest in Cerberus, but his initial assessment of their delivery boy had completely changed. He had initiative, and that was something Ambrose liked in his employees. (Partially because that meant he'd have to do less work himself, but he never said that part of it out loud.) If Elliott said that Cerberus might be useful, then Ambrose would believe him, but Elliott also didn't know about Ragnarok. JW was perfectly stable from a business perspective - they'd all but monopolized the mutant goods market, and while they weren't the largest government weapons contractors out there compared to companies like Lockheed Martin and Boeing, their mutant-specific weapons were nothing compared to JW's. So Ambrose doubted that Cerberus could be that helpful in that regard. But now, he had a better idea.
He'd been reclining in his desk chair this whole time, but now, he straightened up before leaning forward, holding out a hand to Elliott. "I realized that I never introduced myself," he said pleasantly, changing the subject very suddenly. He did this sometimes, without realizing, as a way to put people off guard and remind them that he was in control. That wasn't necessarily the goal of doing it this time around, but he'd gotten so used to it that he didn't even realize how strange it must look to someone else. "Ambrose Jaager, CEO of Jaager Worldwide. And normally someone who's rather fond of chaos, but not this time around." Ambrose leaned back again, tilting his head to the side a bit, and looking at Elliott rather critically. "Tell you what. Call your employers back, and let them know that I'd like to renegotiate whatever deal they had in mind." Ambrose tapped his fingers on his desk, his nails clacking on the burnished wood, staring out the window before suddenly turning back to face Elliott. "On an entirely unrelated note," he said, deceptively innocently, "how much do you get paid?" Ambrose hadn't even heard Cerberus's pitch, but he didn't care. He'd accept any reasonable demands of theirs as long as he got Elliott. He had the feeling that the delivery boy was a better orator and negotiator than his employers would ever be, and so if there was one asset that he really wanted to get out of this deal, it was Elliott.
Posted by Ambrose Jaager on May 28, 2016 22:55:35 GMT -6
Delta Mutant
Dec 17, 2016 13:23:40 GMT -6
"Oh, it is, Sir," Elliott said, and Ambrose ignored the spike of annoyance that he felt at the boy's tone of voice. "I'm going to reach into my pocket in a moment to pull out a cellphone. My hunch says it is probably going to contain valuable information on it from my business partners. My thought is that they wish to do business with you and desired an excellent cover story. They likely assumed you would use something like an internship when I walked off the street, as walking in like this is probably the sort of thing that might seem odd. Aren't deliveries usually handled by middlemen, handed to middlemen? My thought is that you aren't a middleman. Otherwise, why would you be involved in handing out internships, and why would you act so odd about the delivery, in-general?"
Ambrose really had to tamp down the urge to raise an eyebrow now, because seriously, had this kid never watched the news? He was an actual famous person. But then, the thought that Ambrose wasn't a middleman should've crossed Elliott's mind ages ago, as soon as he was given instructions to go to the top floor of the building where the only office was Ambrose's. Ambrose almost started to speak when he realized that Elliott looked as if he were waiting for confirmation, so Ambrose just sighed mentally and outwardly waved his hand, indicating to Elliott that he should continue. And continue he did.
"Deliveries are my game. I'm good at my job. I can be discrete, and I know about the looks of things. They obviously want to make a good impression with you and wanted to look professional by making this interview legit. This cellphone I have in my pocket. May I? I haven't looked at it. I never look at my deliveries unless instructed to. Privacy for my employer is very important to me. It's probably going to turn into a spider or something. Don't be shocked when it does. They like putting people off guard."
Ambrose had never been fond of doing this sort of business to begin with - it put too much scrutiny on JW, which was why he did his best to keep the company itself as squeaky clean as possible. If he had even the slightest sense that even a low-level lackey was dealing in less-than-legal affairs, he'd go out of his way to fire him. So he was very, very displeased that this arrogant Cerberus company was trying to needle its way into his affairs. Who did they think they were? Ambrose didn't want whatever business connections Elliott might provide if they weren't a hundred percent legal. His first priority was Ragnarok, and it seemed as if Cerberus was clumsily trying to needle its way into Ragnarok by assuming Ambrose either needed or wanted their assistance. Nothing against Elliott, of course; the boy had said it himself - he was just a middleman. No, the mistake that Cerberus had made was sending in the squire to fight the dragon while the knight stayed safely at home. No fairytale ever went like that, and it was for good reason.
For a moment, Ambrose just looked at Elliott with an unreadable expression as those thoughts flitted through his head. And then he spoke. "I'd like to speak to your employer," he said, his voice so calm and even that some who knew him would grow uncomfortable just hearing that tone of voice. "What was it? Cerberus, correct? I don't know what your employers expect from me, but Jaager Worldwide is a legitimate company. We don't deal in that sort of thing." Only Ragnarok did. And that was why he'd been so irritated in the first place - he'd thought that the package was weapons or something for Ragnarok that had been delivered to him as a threat or something. This was debatably worse - somebody knew something, but judging by the fact that the name "Ragnarok" hadn't come up once, they didn't know enough. Meanwhile, the scenes he'd been playing out in his head of worst-case scenarios didn't include Elliott in the slightest, so he'd all but forgotten about him. He wasn't particularly important in Ambrose's mind at this point.
"Yeah, I'm the messenger," the alien boy said. "Sir." Ambrose didn't say anything; he just stared at the boy, eyebrows slightly furrowed. "I was sent by Cerberus, inc. I am here about an internship."
Now Ambrose was really and truly confused. He didn't know the exact details, and he'd get them from Madeline later, but he had been sure that this was a delivery. And now it was apparently an internship application? And the potential intern was sent by another company...?
In the back of his mind, Ambrose could vaguely remember hearing something about a proper attempt at a security breach a while ago. Something had tried to go through the vents and had hit the laser grid, and had backed off once caught. While he'd suspected foul play of some sort, there was no follow-up attack or anything like that. Perhaps this was the follow-up; what it was supposed to achieve, though, he had no idea.
Ambrose took the envelope warily from the boy, opening it in one smooth motion with the hardly visible tip of a barely protruding claw. The papers inside were almost shockingly mundane. They were the right forms for an internship, and everything about the application seemed to indicate that this boy - Elliott Thomas, the form said - would be an exceptional addition to his company. The letters of recommendation were strange, though. It took Ambrose a few moments to recognize that it was well and properly coded, but once he had realized it, he figured out the letters' true meaning relatively quickly. They were just more glowing endorsements of Elliott, about how he was an amazing delivery boy and the slew of business contacts he had, and now Ambrose was even more confused than he'd been when he started.
Once he'd finished reading through all of the papers, he sat there for a moment, completely and utterly baffled with the situation he'd been presented with.
"Um," he said after a moment. "Are you - I thought this was a delivery, not an internship interview?" And who in the world was Cerberus Inc.? He'd never heard of them, but if they'd allowed this kid to get as well-connected as the letters said he was, then it must be relatively influential. He made a mental note to do some research later.
Posted by Ambrose Jaager on May 25, 2016 12:11:30 GMT -6
Delta Mutant
Dec 17, 2016 13:23:40 GMT -6
"Madeline!" Ambrose shouted out of his office, towards the general direction of where his secretary was sitting. A couple seconds later, his phone beeped, and he absentmindedly flipped it over.
Please keep your voice down. This is a place of work, the text read, sent from a contact labelled "Mom." Ambrose frowned. He hadn't done that. He'd question Madeline later, and maybe Panu. Probably Panu.
He swiped at the screen, unlocking the phone, and started typing a response. My calendar says I have a delivery in half an hour.
You do.
There are people to pick up deliveries. Why is it on my calendar?
It's a delivery for you.
Ambrose sighed heavily, and then relegated himself to getting up. He winced as his limbs creaked and something sloshed beneath his skin - he wasn't getting old, but he'd gotten back into human form not an hour before he came to work, and his body wasn't particularly fond of going from human to monster back to human in one night. But he'd had to, because there had been a situation of sorts that he'd needed to deal with, and it had unfortunately been a 4 AM situation. He'd left for work at around 6:30 AM, because he lived outside fo the city, and so that had been tiring and painful.
He limped over to his office door, making heavy use of the carved cane he unfortunately had to rely on once in a while. "Thank you, father," he muttered under his breath as he made his way out.
Madeline was, as per usual, typing away on her computer. To be very honest, Ambrose didn't even know what she did most of the time - Ambrose ran JW in a way that would allow greater individuality, so he'd have to do less (he just demanded weekly updates on the big projects, to be honest). "What delivery?" Ambrose asked, as he dragged his way over to her desk.
"The sort of delivery that shouldn't be given to the people who usually pick up our deliveries," she said under her breath, but Ambrose's enhanced hearing picked it up easily. He dropped his voice too, in response.
"Those sort of deliveries aren't supposed to be delivered to me directly, especially not at work," Ambrose growled quietly, growing slightly peeved at whatever idiot had arranged this. Madeline just shrugged in response, before a notification popped up on her screen. She glanced at it.
"The messenger is here," she said, and Ambrose sighed.
"Make sure anyone who asks or checks sees that he's applying for an internship," Ambrose ordered, and Madeline nodded, immediately returning to her computer. "I'll be in my office."
Around twenty minutes later, Ambrose heard the familiar ding of the elevator opening, and hushed talking outside. (The office was meant to be soundproof, but the door was cracked ever so slightly). Moments later, the delivery boy entered the office. Although, to be frank, Ambrose hesitated to call him a boy.
While it didn't show in the slightest on his face, Ambrose was momentarily put off by the messenger's appearance. He looked like something that had walked straight out of some conspiracy nut's head and into the real world, except in a suit. Ambrose was mostly accustomed to seeing physical mutants, especially as he was one himself, but seeing something so... unusually normal? was off-putting. He was pretty sure that he'd be less shocked if a distorted embodiment of body horror had walked in, versus this very alien-like alien.
Although it was hard, Ambrose resisted the urge to make any "take me to your leader" jokes, but that would've been gold.
"You're the messenger, I presume?" Ambrose said, looking decidedly and very determinedly unperturbed. "Who sent you?" Now that he'd gotten over his surprise, he was more focused on what idiot decided to send him a package here. Especially since his being Jörmungandr wasn't public knowledge, or even underworld knowledge. A lot of people just assumed he was a mutant affiliated with Ragnarok, probably through bribery because of his power, and not their leader-pretending-to-be-second-in-command at all. So this - this was what he called a "security breach," especially since the delivery was made in plain view.
Posted by Ambrose Jaager on May 24, 2016 10:35:01 GMT -6
Delta Mutant
Dec 17, 2016 13:23:40 GMT -6
Ambrose excels at messing with other people, so if you really want the "world crumbling under him part," I'd be more than happy to offer up Ambrose (especially since Tyson's affiliated with the Xs, which Ambrose would absolutely hate). Kirsi is a little less manipulative and homicidal, but if you're looking for a thread with a morally corrupt ten-year-old, she'd be perfect. Just PM me if you're interested!
Posted by Ambrose Jaager on May 23, 2016 20:57:11 GMT -6
Delta Mutant
Dec 17, 2016 13:23:40 GMT -6
"Yeah," Noel said, and Ambrose stared at her out of the corner of his eye as she seemingly wrestled with her hair. "Are we meeting someone?"
Well, she definitely wanted to be here about as much as he did. Which was to say, not at all. He was okay with that. Panu would not be okay with that, though. So dammit, it was down to him to try and be genuine, and nice, and all those human frivolities. At least he could pretend rather well. He liked to think of himself as a monster in a person suit - literally - and he obviously thought that he wore that person suit quite well.
But as he opened his mouth, probably to say something witty and clever and painfully insincere, the ground rumbled, and he shut it, slowly. He turned around, clearly looking for whatever the source of the chaos was, and the ground rumbled again. This time, though, the buildings visibly shook, and a plume of smoke spiraling up from not three blocks away accompanied the loud burst of sound that was unmistakably a bomb. For a moment, Ambrose was confused, and then he realized that the terror alert in all of Europe was high for a reason. This was probably some sort of Ragnarok wannabe organization, and Ambrose sighed. He didn't really feel like having to suffer through a transformation, but he couldn't just let this pass, especially since the bombers were definitely competition.
"Excuse me," Ambrose said absentmindedly, as he drifted towards the source of the noise. There was shouting coming from down the street now, and a very clear sound of machine-gun fire, so maybe these terrorists were more painfully normal than he'd thought. But before he walked too far, he stopped and turned around to face Noel. "Care to accompany me?" he said brightly. He doubted she'd say yes - her powers, as far as he could tell, were practically useless in any sort of combat situation - and he was the sort of person to entirely discount anybody's non-mutation-enhanced physical capabilities. But he'd ask anyway, because he was polite.
Posted by Ambrose Jaager on May 21, 2016 17:41:48 GMT -6
Delta Mutant
Dec 17, 2016 13:23:40 GMT -6
"Why are we in Montenegro, sir?" she asked, and ha, nope, Ambrose wasn't answering that just yet. Sometimes, he suspected that Panu used his sheer adorable levels as a weapon against him, and this was one of those times. He really, really was not fond of apologizing or doing anything remotely humbling, and this fell under both "apologizing" and "humbling."
Thankfully, though, she didn't pursue it when he didn't answer, and got into the car. "Are people in the habit of dressing in full formal wear here?" she said teasingly, and he scoffed jokingly.
"If you think this is formal, you've clearly never seen me at a ball," he said, faux-pretentious. The sad part was that it really wasn't a lie - the suit was the light sort of bluish-gray that was never worn outside of Mediterranean countries, and he wasn't wearing a tie or anything of the sort. For him, this was casual. "By the way, I do love your dress." He hadn't bought it, but he could appreciate it. If there was one thing he could definitely appreciate, though, it was the price, because it'd been a noticeably sizable portion of his something-or-other budget.
He climbed into the car and started the engine, which revved with a soft purr. He wasn't big on fancy cars, but he knew so many fellow businessmen who were, and so it paid to be able to appreciate them sometimes. Half an hour wasn’t too bad, and it didn’t actually even take that long to get there because the car was absurdly fast. And thankfully, Ambrose had a little bit of a genetic advantage when it came to “not driving a car off of a cliff,” so while there were a few close calls - he was a lot worse at driving than he liked to let on, and the roads that were literally carved out of the steep cliff faces were absurd - they got to the restaurant without incident.
He pulled up in front of a small restaurant nestled by the bay. It looked rather cutesy, with wicker seats and wrought-iron tables, and when he got back, he was going to punch whoever reserved this specific, very romantic-looking restaurant for the both of them. He got a glance at the menu, though, as he parked the car - farsightedness did have its pluses - and well, he had requested one of the most expensive restaurants in the area, and whoever had reserved this one hadn’t disappointed.
As he turned off the engine and pocketed the keys, he scrambled to think of something suitable to say. If he didn’t get it right, Panu would probably punch him, because Panu was inexplicably fond of this woman. Eventually, he settled on the most generic question he could think of.
“Lovely day, isn’t it?” he said amiably, as he climbed out of the car. Well. Wasn't he charming as ever.
Posted by Ambrose Jaager on May 13, 2016 14:40:49 GMT -6
Delta Mutant
Dec 17, 2016 13:23:40 GMT -6
There was a new scent wafting its way down the hallway, and he was only really able to catch it through the sewer stench because it was accompanied by the smell of alcohol and sweet, sweet candy. He didn't recognize it, but when he squinted, he was able to see the faintest outline of a person. It took him a moment to sync up his smell and sight, because only then was he able to realize that no, the outline wasn't faint because it was far. His significantly more accurate sense of smell was saying 'somebody is right around the corner,' but his sight was saying 'somebody is literally a quarter mile away' (he was really, really farsighted). Ambrose would usually blame this sort of discrepancy on his positively nightmarish eyesight, but the intensity of the heat signature wouldn't be affected by that. So there was one other option - a mutant, and a really cold one at that.
It sounded familiar to Ambrose, but he couldn't quite put a name to whoever it might be. He was more well-versed in the Order than X-Men, so it was possible that whoever this was was an X, but Ambrose doubted it. No X-Man would wander around through the sewers, drunk, eating candy while wading through literal shit.
Ambrose craned his neck around, sweeping his head in circles to try and see if there were any guards nearby. His heat-sensitive vision wasn't picking up anything but the newcomer, so he decided to try and say something.
"Hello?" Ambrose rumbled carefully, unintentionally whacking his tail on the wall rather hard as he tried to get into a position where he could more easily see the lone figure through the wall. Dust drifted down from the ceiling as Ambrose swore, quite extensively, in Dutch, and then English. "This is absurd," he muttered. His poor tail.