Oct 11, 2010 23:37:13 GMT -6
Finally the Jet touched down at Wolf airstrip. As they disembarked they were met by Colonel Edwards. Rather than wait any time the colonel gave a quick salute before leading them to a waiting helicopter. Minutes after landing they were back in the air again and heading for Mondragon Labs. As they neared it the mammoth facility came into view. Covering a more area than almost any other research facility in the world the lab was only an impressive sight in so far as it’s size. The buildings themselves were a drab grey and all square or rectangular. All that was out of the ordinary was the security. A full perimeter fence patrolled by armed guards. The helicopter landed and the pair headed inside. (OOC: Continued in The newest scientist)
Posted by dragonking on Nov 16, 2007 18:11:10 GMT -6
Hades, was quick to note that the airstrip was essentially a private airstrip, thus bonus points for Hunter being resourceful, and this gave him some more ideas of projects that could possibly benefit his possible future employer. Hmm, that is believe is a ZB500 G-Lynx(http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.hmfriends.org.uk/images/glynxriat60.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.hmfriends.org.uk/glynxriatbig.htm&h=450&w=600&sz=143&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=vorFlNTyGf-3EM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3DZB500%2BG-Lynx,%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG) helicopter, the one that still holds the world record for helicopters, Hunter truly is a man of business, or at least he secretary or henchmen know how to be business like, they certainly do not waste time. As they neared Mondragon Labs Hades observed: So This is the famous Mondragon Labs, I certainly did not make the wrong call taking up the offer, if this is the scale that we are talking about then im in, for the resources for the challenge, for the possibilities. Hmm security is slightly heavier than a typical labs. There are a few more sniping positions and snipers at their post that would be usual of a high tech military style lab, the patrols are regular and frequent, I think I can just spot, yes there are some cameras there, but I would have expected more, from what I expect the sort of technology and discoveries that the lab contains I would have expected a slightly more overboard approach to security that this, hmm, but perhaps there is more to it than meets the eye.