The X-men run missions and work together with the NYPD, striving to maintain a peaceful balance between humans and mutants. When it comes to a fight, they won't back down from protecting those who need their help.
Haven presents itself as a humanitarian organization for activists, leaders, and high society, yet mutants are the secret leaders working to protect and serve their kind. Behind the scenes they bring their goals into reality.
From the time when mutants became known to the world, SUPER was founded as a black-ops division of the CIA in an attempt to classify, observe, and learn more about this new and rising threat.
The Syndicate works to help bring mutantkind to the forefront of the world. They work from the shadows, a beacon of hope for mutants, but a bane to mankind. With their guiding hand, humanity will finally find extinction.
Since the existence of mutants was first revealed in the nineties, the world has become a changed place. Whether they're genetic misfits or the next stage in humanity's evolution, there's no denying their growing numbers, especially in hubs like New York City. The NYPD has a division devoted to mutant related crimes. Super-powered vigilantes help to maintain the peace. Those who style themselves as Homo Superior work to tear society apart for rebuilding in their own image.
MRO is an intermediate to advanced writing level original character, original plot X-Men RPG. We've been open and active since October of 2005. You can play as a mutant, human, or Adapted— one of the rare humans who nullify mutant powers by their very existence. Goodies, baddies, and neutrals are all welcome.
Short Term Plots:Are They Coming for You?
There have been whispers on the streets lately of a boogeyman... mutant and humans, young and old, all have been targets of trafficking.
The Fountain of Youth
A chemical serum has been released that's shaving a few years off of the population. In some cases, found to be temporary, and in others...?
MRO MOVES WITH CURRENT TIME: What month and year it is now in real life, it's the same for MRO, too.
Fuegogrande: "Fuegogrande" player of The Ranger, Ion, Rhia, and Null
Neopolitan: "Aly" player of Rebecca Grey, Stephanie Graves, Marisol Cervantes, Vanessa Bookman, Chrysanthemum Van Hart, Sabine Sang, Eupraxia
Ongoing Plots
Magic and Mystics
After the events of the 2020 Harvest Moon and the following Winter Solstice, magic has started manifesting in the MROvere! With the efforts of the Welldrinker Cult, people are being converted into Mystics, a species of people genetically disposed to be great conduits for magical energy.
The Pharoah Dynasty
An ancient sorceress is on a quest to bring her long-lost warrior-king to the modern era in a bid for global domination. Can the heroes of the modern world stop her before all is lost?
Are They Coming for You?
There have been whispers on the streets lately of a boogeyman... mutant and humans, young and old, all have been targets of trafficking.
What if the human race began to adapt to the mutant threat? What if the human race changed ever so subtly... without the x-gene.
The lost city of Atlantis has been found! Refugees from this undersea mutant dystopia have started to filter in to New York as citizens and businessfolk. You may make one as a player character of run into one on the street.
Got a plot in mind?
MRO plots are player-created the Mods facilitate and organize the big ones, but we get the ideas from you. Do you have a plot in mind, and want to know whether it needs Mod approval? Check out our plot guidelines.
A day to herself... No Alli... no distractions... no snakes. All should have been well, peaceful even... but she'd had that dream again. A primal roaring in her ears. Blood...everywhere. Running, but not being able to run fast enough. Being stuck in permanent slow motion. And the lion was on her heels. The gorgon shuddered against the table she had chosen. Her food long since abandoned. Her appetite had died before it had even really started up. Tired orange eyes stared down at the floor beneath her, where limp greenish blue toes peeked out from inside her sandals.
Sleep was no longer welcome in her mind, not when it brought with it such vivid nightmares. Andrea shifted slightly, lifting her forehead from her arms, and stared down at her hands. Hands that were dressed in simple latex gloves- like always. Hands that connected to arms, arms which were spotted with black and green. Arms that had gained mass, but not muscle. She crossed those arms, her arms, over her chest and leaned into them. Her weight on her elbows... She felt thicker. Her ribs were no longer pronounced... her hips were no longer jutting and painful to some eyes. She was squishy, and she didn't fit into her own clothing. Those same tired orange eyes lifted and focused on her plate. Slices of fruit and bread... things that were simple to eat, yet she had barely touched them.
She saw movement from the corners of her eyes, and dipped her head again, reaching for her glasses while she did so. The glasses would cover up the shadows under her eyes, as well as protect others from her power. After slipping the shades on, she pushed her plate away and ran her hands through her hair. Gloved fingers lingering over the stitches still in her scalp, before she settled them against the back of her neck. It was going to be a long day... and it was only two thirty three in the afternoon.
Things were... violent. In Andrea's eyes, at least. She went from being dragged, to attempting to drag Alli back toward the door. She did not want to get pulled into the dancing, jumping, singing crowd... and she didn't want her small friend to get pulled into it either. What ended up happening though, was as she had feared. With a wink and a shout over the... singing... the blue scaled girl untangled herself from Andrea's grasp. The Greek watched as the slim girl bounced off into the crowd, screaming out words she couldn't quite heard right, and she chewed at her bottom lip. She had been ditched, more or less, again. With a little sigh, she turned and shuffled back towards the bar, where stools waited. Where she would wait. She only made it half way though, a teasing distance from an open seat, when someone intercepted her. A tall man and his... girl...woman friend. Tattoo's and piercings everywhere, but they had kind smiles. "Hey, mind if I pet your snake?"
Andrea blinked. The woman was talking to her, red lips arches in a smile, green hair spiked in a most unusual fashion. She remembered the last time she had conversed politely with such people... it had ended with the whole lot of them getting kicked off a bus. "...Uh, I don't know... He is usually pretty jumpy when it comes to pe-" The man cut her excuse shirt, reaching out a hand to stroke the snakes white hide. "What kind of snake is it?" A good question... one she didn't really have an answer for. "...He is a... head snake?" Both people laughed, and the woman patted the serpent gently. Her personal bubble was being invaded, and she couldn't think of a polite reason to shoo them away. "Head snake... funny! But really..." Blinking, the Greek lifted her curtain of hair and turned her head, allowing them to see exactly where Sloth was fused to the base of her skull. "....oooooh." She managed a timid grin, and scratched at her cheek. "That's pretty cool! The woman, who introduced herself as Jenna, went on talking, asking questions and such, while her husband (as it turns out) sipped at his beer and bobbed his head with the music, one arm draped around Jenna's shoulders.
"Hey, Andrea. Long time, no see."
Her attention shifted behind her, toward the bar a few steps away, and she locked eyes with a familiar face. "Aurum?!" Jenna and hubby took the sqeaky tone of her voice, and shift of attention as a cue to meld back into the crowd, and Andrea found herself suddenly alone with an old friend. Alli chose that time to come bouncing back to her side, a huge grin plastered on her face and a can of something in one hand. The Greek felt the girl elbow her in the ribs and glanced over at the mutant girl, who waggled her eyebrows and leered at Aurum. "Back, someone smashed a bottle out on the floor, so I left the pit early. Who's the hottie? Is he single?" Green cheeks flared deep brown and she turned and did a very un-Andrea like thing. She punched the girl in the arm, then ignored both questions. "Aurum... what are you doing here?" Alli reached for her sunglasses, giggling like mad and the gorgon slapped her hand away. Sloth shifted around her shoulders, one orange eye angled at the new man. A pink tongue flicked out, tasted the air, and he turned his attention to another sitting at the counter.
"Andrea, come oooon! You've been cooped up in that room for daaaaays!"
The young mutants voice dripped with annoyance, and she tugged the Greek along faster. "I have a perfectly valid reason for not leaving it!" The green woman's voice whined back, while she padded along quickly behind the girl. She loved Alli like a sister, really... she did. But the girl had barged into her room during a nap, a very much needed nap, in order to drag her off to some bar. Apparently some band the Greek hand never heard of, nor cared about was supposed to play, and the blue scaled mutant didn't want to go alone. It was understandable... but Andrea was still none to happy. "Couldn't you find someone else? I really should not be out..." The girl, who a few years younger than her, shushed her. "This is for your own good too, ya know. Being cooped up in that room isn't any better for your health!" ...and yet, bar hopping was? Andrea's nose wrinkled and she sighed, allowing herself to be dragged along. There was little use arguing with Alli. She would only tug harder, and argue louder until she got her way.
Tugging her t-shirt down nervously, the gorgon turned her attention to eyeballing the shadows as they passed, and watching people on the street very, very carefully. She was partly worried that like before, the last time she had allowed the girl to drag her out, she would wind up ditched in some strange part of town with no clue how to get back home. Her eyes landed on the mutant before her, feverishly jogging down the sidewalk, and the Greek huffed. It was bad enough that she was still overbearingly paranoid, but now she had to watch herself around a crowd of strangers packed into a building. As if reading her thoughts, Sloth tightened his grip around her, effectively tripping her up mid jog. One scraped knee later and a few blocks later, and Andrea found herself standing beside Alli, with one blue scaled arm locking her arm in place against the girls ribs, just inside the door of the bar. There was no escaping. She eyed their surroundings in distaste, but allowed herself to be dragged toward the bar. "Hey... Andy? Would yo-" The Greek speared the younger girl with a motherly scowl, and narrowed orange eyes behind her sunglasses. "No. I am not going to buy you your drinks."
The pout she received in response was comical, at best. Alli grumbled under her breath, and dragged the gorgon with her past the bar.
She blinked. And then blinked again, clearly taken back by such a prospect. There were no other rooms? ... and... he would keep his back turned?. Her face turned the equivalent of crimson, a darker reddish brown that over took her cheeks in mere seconds. Oh, this was not good... But, she supposed she didn't really have much of a choice. It was either remain is dirty, damaged clothing, or accept his thoughtful, nice offer and changed into new, clean clothing. She only had to glance at her coat across the floor, to know which option she would be choosing.
"...Ah... oh..kay...." She needed to change, and he was going to remain looking at the wall. She could trust him, right? He had never done anything to prove otherwise to her. She had many reason's to believe that he was a perfect gentle man.... Now she just needed to get over the modesty hump. Lacking a coat was already putting her on edge, because having so much of her arms exposed just didn't feel right. Lord, not to mention her collar bone! She self consciously placed a hand at the hollow of her neck, tapping her fingers on the bones of her sternum. She had never felt so massively under dressed before. About to turn away, and move as far across the room as she possibly could, he mentioned a bottle and held his hand out for it. Andrea blinked, and dropped her eyes to the two bottles nestled in her neat little clothing pile.
...which one did he mean? Brown, or white? With a shrug, she picked up the white bottle, seeing as it was closest to her hand, and deposited it into his hand, before quickly stepping away and depositing her clothing pile on the couch. "Yes..of course..." She would tell him once she was properly clothed again. First would be her shirt, then the pants. A tank top would gladly be replaced with a sweater. She just needed to... take it off, first. Tusky teeth chewed on her bottom lip harshly, and she decided to remove the bloodied tank top as if it were a band-aid. Quickly, and without hesitation. It was as easy as that, right? Except... the whole bing in a room with another person, and nothing to hide behind thing. Easy as pie... Closing her eyes, she tugged the shirt off over her head, and grabbed for the sweater, intent on scrambling into it as fast as mutantly possible.
The struggle was short, and thankfully successful. Andrea won over the wiggling of her snake, who, thankfully, hadn't sunk his fangs into her shoulder.... again. He had however managed to eat the scurrying roach, who was surely not wiggling around in the snakes throat in a panic. With the snake clasped in both hands, she sat up and held it before her, a triumphant grin on her face.
...until she noticed that she was no longer alone.... The serpent wiggled, and Andrea shifted awkwardly on the floor. Her host, and sort of back alley savior, was turned all the way around so that his back was facing her, which she was more or less staring at. She cleared her throat, and scrambled to her feet, freeing the snake in order to straighten herself out. He mumbled something about the clothes being there, by him... and she glanced at the pile on the floor curiously. Apartment conditions and snake troubles aside, she didn't exactly know what to do.
With his back facing her, and the pile on the floor being pointed out, she assumed she was to walk on over and pick them up, which she set about doing.. But.. what was she to do once she had them? She eyed the door he was staring at, wondering if she would be allowed to change in there, or if he had some other room stashed away somewhere. Dipping, she retrieved the pile- which was heavier than she had expected- and she blinked. Inside, wrapped up nicely, was a bottle. A bottle she had never seen before, filled with something she had never heard of. "...What is this?" Turning the thing over in her hands, she peered at the back, not really sparing time to read anything before turning it back over and placing her attention elsewhere. It looked familiar... but she couldn't place it. Her eyes fell to the white bottle, and the bandages wrapped up in the clothes as well, and everything kind of clicked.
They were things to deal with her wound! That made sense. She eyed the clothing last, before retreating a few steps and turning her attention back to Martin. "...Where do, change?"
The girl accepted, and Andrea nodded and managed a real, if timid, smile. it wold be nice at least, to have someone she was comfortable with by her side... Even if she would have to stare into the shadows ten times harder now, because of the paranoid gripping the back of her neck. She could handle getting attacked... damage done to her person was painful and traumatic, but she could handle it... mostly... but Kaitlyn? Andrea would never forgive herself if an innocent child were harmed in her company.
"Okay then... we shall go get ice cream. I know a nice little place where they let you put anything you want on your cone." Yes... that would be nice. A cheerful distraction from pain medication and broken parts. As if to remind her of her condition, her ankle twanged painfully. Ever the trooper, or stubborn fool, Andrea chose to ignore the pain and instead lifted a hand to scratch at her shoulder. The bandaged, stitched wound underneath itched something horrible, and since she refused to take the medication allotted to her, she was doomed to suffer with occasional throbbing pain and near constant itching.
“So, what happened to your snake-hair?”
She cringed, and attempted to cover it up with a little nervous laugh. Kaitlyn was a child... ever curious, and full of questions. She couldn't blame her either... The last time she had seen her, her hair had been alive with angry, hissing snakes. A ball of fear and worry knotted itself together in her stomach, and she unconsciously gripped at her shoulder. "Well... Kaitlyn, I ran into a very, very bad man." Or a lion... most likely both. She shivered, not wishing to think back on the incident. Each cut... the feeling of a blade sinking into her shoulder... A large cats tongue eagerly lapping away blood and sweat. A shudder rolled down her spine, and she gulped to clear her throat of the lump that had formed in it. "I met a very bad man, and he... hurt me."
How was one supposed to explain such a thing to a child? Her lips thinned out into a little line, and she sucked in a shaky breath. Time to put on the reassuring smile, and lighten the mood. "But it's okay. I got away, and a very good friend of mine, an officer, is going to find him before he can hurt anyone else." She nodded, more to reassure herself than Kaitlyn, and cleared her throat. "Say, what kind of ice cream do you like best?"
It was agreed upon. Ice cream would happen, and she would be buying it for the two people she had put in danger. Danger from the fire that was still flickering about in the kitchen. The gorgon cringed, and shifted on her feet. Amber was willing to come along, and this new girl was the one who had suggested it. All that left was for her to go retrieve her wallet, and take off her apron.
"I will be right back, I promise!"
She hurried away, off toward her room as fast as she possibly could... without looking too suspicious. (As if being in a charred apron with smoke residue wasn't suspicious enough...) Andrea abandoned the evidence in her room, opting for a baggy-but-clean sweater, and snatched up her wallet. She attempted to wipe her face off on the way out, grabbing up her handkerchief as well as she shut her door. The quick jog back out to where they waited left her a little winded, and she didn't wait to be polite and talk again, instead choosing to hurry past and wave them out with her.
The outside air felt good on her skin, and her serpents calmed down instantly once the smell of smoke and burning cookies was gone. The Greek paused on the steps outside, holding the door open for the other two, and chewed on her bottom lip shamefully. "...Sorry... again, for all of this. I am Andrea.. Andrea Gordon." Nothing more came to mind right at the moment. Just a looping chat of imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry that she couldn't seem to stop from playing. "...I am afraid I do not know many places around this area that serve ice cream... I am fairly new. I do know where the mall is though, and I believe they sell that confection there." After they passed, she went ahead and shut the door, slowly and carefully... as if it would break under her touch, then descended the stairs to stand on the sidewalk.
"Oh... wait, I do believe I know of one place around here... but it is up to you two. I think I have made enough bad decisions for one evening..."
She smiled back, if a little flustered. The arm around her only helped to jumbled her thoughts even more, so much so that she couldn't really think of anything to say beyond, "You are welcome.." Personal contact had never been her strong point. She shifted nervously, and scratched at her flushed, brown cheek. It was awfully hot... and only getting hotter. Before she could accept his proposal of being taught how to prune, which was something she would have rather liked to do, or wonder at why Martin sounded so... gushy... Saph sauntered up and cut in the conversation before her.
"Mornin beautiful! You're here to help?"
Her blush tripped, dipping down well past her cheeks and down the back of her neck. She fidgeted more, and pressed her palm to her cheek, unknowingly adopting one of the cliche female poses from her favorite novel genre. "Yes... I am here to help..." She cleared her throat, attempting to wrangle her emotions back into line. More words came to mind, fixing themselves into sentances and questions. Polite chatter that would help to smooth the situation and get her back into working shape. She couldn't prune things while fidgety and distracted, after all. Unfortunately, the poor unknowing Greek was caught in a game.... and when Saph removed his shirt she felt what was left of the blood in her body rush to her face. She was suddenly very... very dizzy...
~~ Inside the mansion, three giggling teenagers happened past a window at exactly that same moment. Three pairs of mascara and shadow laden eyes went wide, and three lip stick clad mouths dropped open in shock. "Oh... my... gawd. That guy is like... soooo hawt!" Three head nodded in unison, and each girl whipped out rather expensive looking cell phones. "Daaaaym, Lookit those abs!" Each girl grinned at the other, faces eerily similar in appearance. They were triplets, after all. "Isn't he like staff around here or something? I think I've seen him before..." One girl pursed her lips, tapping her phone against her chin. "I dunno... but who cares! He's hot, and that's all that matters! O.M.G, I can't wait to show Sophie!... she's like, totally going to sooo jealous that she missed this." The girls giggled and highfived each other. "We, like, need to spread this around and stuff... Oh! Like, let's make something from it!" They nodded again, snapped a few more pictures and skipped off toward their shared room with visions of posters, screen savers, calenders and fan sites dancing around in their heads... "Like... i'm going to edit in a fireman's hat and stuff!" More giggles. "And a police hat! And cowboy gear! Gawd, this is going to be sooo much fun!" They vanished around a corner, musing about who he was and if he was single or not...
~~ "She already knows how to do that stuff. She works at a flower shop. y'wanna give me a hand?"
She didn't even hear the question. A scene from one of her books was standing right in front of her, glistening abs and all. Her hands flew to her mouth, she mumbled a quiet "oh my..." and Andrea dropped like a fly. Her knees buckled, and with a whoosh she dropped ungracefully into the dirt. Face, meet gravel. Gravel, meet face. They shook hands, and she groaned in a muffled manner. Though she had only blacked out for a second, she didn't feel like getting up... no, getting up would mean facing a shirtless man, and certain embarrassment from feinting because of aforementioned shirtless man. As painful as it was, she was quite happy to remain lying face first in the dirt, with her rump in the air and her knees tucked neatly into her chest. Yep... she preferred this much more.
Lacking her coat, she felt more or less naked out on the street. skin peeking out from under a shirt that was much to big for her, and a legs peeking out from under shorts that were becoming far to tight. Fingering her glasses momentarily, Andrea's attention was everywhere but the one place if should have been. She was eying the shadows, the people who happened to be on the street, her toes wiggling below her in her sandals... she didn't even hear someone approaching her.
The Greek jumped like someone had electrocuted her, and flipped around in the air to face the owner of the voice, just as she finished what she was saying. She was proud of herself for not outright screaming... but didn't deserve a pat on the back seeing as it was only due to her breath being caught in her throat. Her hand went to her chest, fingers clasped dramatically in the fabric of her shirt and she blinked at the girl like a deer caught in headlights.
Then she remembered who it was. "Kaitlyn?! What are you doing out here? This is-..." She forced herself to take a breath, dropped the motherly tone, and ran a hand through her snake-less hair. Which hurt... a lot. She winced before continuing. "Sorry...I-...i'm a little jumpy. This is not the type of place to walk around in the streets by yourself, though.." She barely felt safe walking around in the daylight anymore, let alone at night time. What was a child doing out by herself?
Touching her scalp tenderly, Andrea chewed on her bottom lip and eyed the girl. What was she supposed to say to the girl, when it came to why all of her little serpents were missing? She was drawing a blank, and that left her with the truth. Luckily for her... Sloth chose to wiggle around on her shoulders until he was free enough to see kaitlyn. His pink tongue flicked out, and he reached the length of his body out toward her. Andrea let her hand rest on his body... just in case, and licked her lips. "...Oh... I was going to go get some ice cream. Would you like to come with me Kaitlyn?" She wasn't about to let the girl wander around alone, now that she knew she was out here. Andrea adopted a nervous little smile, and tucked her other hand into her pocket.
His cheery tone made her wince. She had never heard him use such a... voice.. before, and could only assume she had insulted him with her comments. ", yes. I had forgotten... I will be right here." She laughed back, nervously, and scratched at the back of her head. Here. Yes.. she would be... here. In the living room, with the peeling walls and the couch... thing. She realized that she shouldn't pity him. Pity was an emotion that rarely every did any good... but she had plenty of empathy for him.
Before she had time to wonder which room he was disappearing off into, or how or why he was no longer the gardener, she found herself locked in a silent staring contest with... a cockroach. It was looking at her... antennae twitching. She didn't really know what to do. The light flickered off for a moment above them, she blinked, and when it flickered back on she was staring at one cockroach, who suddenly had a friend. Now two pairs of antennae were twitching in curiosity. She was a little afraid to move, or blink again for that matter (in case more were to appear), so she stood as sill as a statue and merely stared. She really didn't want to get mobbed by a hoard of the little insects and dragged under the fridge or something. Sloth on the other hand wasn't one to sit still for any amount of time, and chose to yawn widely right at that moment.
Both little roaches darted away, back under the couch-bed that they had skittered out from under. Andrea shook herself, and glanced back in the direction Martin had gone. Behind the closed door. Yes... she had surely upset him.
A frown settled on her lips and she gripped at her arm again- and winced. Andre had neglected the wound so far, and it was probably a good time to take a peek at it. She shuffled further into the room, glancing about slowly, while peeling her coat off. Not all that hard, when only one set of buttons was left intact. The majority of it came off easily, but the arm that had been sliced gave more resistance. Blood had dried into the fibers, which were stuck painfully to her skin. Ripping the fabric away almost felt like it hurt more than getting the gash, not unlike pulling a band aid from a scrape. Andrea realized two things once she had her coat free of her. One was that her clothes were very dirty, which made her understand why she required different clothing... and the other was that she apparently bled like she was anemic.
Dried, sticky red streaks all down her arm, one even made it to her glove, made it look much worse than the little inch long gash said it was. Her frown deepened, and she folded her coat in her arms. It was good that it had mostly dried... she didn't want to bleed on Martin's floor. Clicking her tongue against her teeth, she picked at the wound a little, whining to herself in her head, and propped herself on the corner of the couch with her coat folded in her lap. She squirmed in her clothes and eyed her sandals, before reaching up to fiddle with her glasses again. The crack was going to start to drive her crazy... she could already feel it. Like having a split in reality that you couldn't look away from. While she wrinkled her nose and more or less pouted, one of the little roaches from before made another appearance behind her on the couch. It eyed her for a moment, before making a break for her arm. She didn't notice it, but Gula sure did. The snake sprang down from her hair and latched onto her shoulder... and the roach. Andrea squeaked in surprise and toppled off the cough, sending her coat flying. It landed promptly on her face when she crashed into the floor, as she set about prying the snake off of herself.
Upon returning home from the hospital, she hadn't expected to find Alli sitting in her room, hunkered down on her bed like she had been living there for the past month. She also didn't expect to receive a verbal pounding from the slim girl, or and emotional breakdown after. She... really hadn't thought her friendship meant that much to the girl. She had been wrong, or course. Alli spent an hour looking her over, examining stitches, remarking on what the wounds on her head looked like under her hair, and attempting to wrestle the bandages off of Sloth's body.
Eventually the girl got tired fell asleep next to Andrea in her bed. The Greek had never been so happy in all her life to hear silence. Nothing. Unfortunately, as much of a blessing as it was, it also left room for sleep to wiggle its way behind her eyes and tempt her. Andrea fear it about as much as she feared being alone.The darkness behind her eyes was fraught with horrid memories and cold sweats... she did not wish to go there anytime soon. With a wince, she propped herself up in bed and cast a tired glance at the girl snoring softly beside her. She smiled, and carefully clambered out of bed.
Since she had gotten home she had been rather obsessed with keeping the light in her room on. As well as stashing away all of the pills she had been given. A short trip to the infirmary had ended with her arms laden with painkillers and things she had never even heard of before. She was more than a little frightened of trying them... As such, she had chosen to skip doses when she could, and some pain killers were ignored all together. She tried to think back to what Jorge had said, and clung to it desperately. Once she was off the meds the dreams would stop. The gorgon eyed a little orange bottle on her dressed, and chose to ignore it. It was for her various wounds, to numb everything... or so she assumed. She was determined to recover as fast as possible, and never think of the incident again.
Andrea paused by her bedroom door when she heard the blue scaled mutant on her bed mumble and roll over. She spared a soft giggle, then departed into the hallway. It was still light enough out that she didn't feel the claws of fear gripping her heart quite as hard as they normally did. She was hungry, but had all but banned herself from the kitchens. Someone had put work into cleaning up the horrid mess she had made, and she didn't feel like chancing anything. Instead, she shuffled through her wallet to see how much savings she had left. Not very much, but it would do. As she padded out toward the golden doors, she finalized her decision on what she wanted. She wanted ice cream, and she knew just the place for it...
Tingling scalps felt weird, she decided. Like mint shampoo. She blinked and prodded at one of the snakes at Lori's question. It twitched. "I don't think they are dead... I can still feel them." Grinning, she moved from prodding to scratching at her head again. "Just sleeping or something, I guess." She briefly wondered what snakes could dream about, before focusing on the hand offered to her.
"Ah..o-oh.. yeah, thank you." She felt a little dizzy upon standing, and couldn't quite remember what she had been doing before meeting Lori. Oh! Right. Books. Research.... on snakes. She was relatively glad they were out cold now, but felt she'd have to find a less painful, violent way to put them to sleep on her own. The idea of tasing herself whenever they got out of hand was a little funny, but sad. She glanced at the hanging braids on her shoulders upon hearing Lori's offer, and blanched. Her hair had poofed from getting shocked... she was suddenly reminded of when Juka had bubbled her.
At least it wasn't super wiggly this time, too. "That would be appreciated... but I would hate to burden you with such a task... Surely you were doing something before I interrupted you?" Her cheeks tinted ever so slightly brown, and she fumbled with the bottom of one braid. The last time someone had helped her with her hair, it had been her mother. When she was six.
She nodded mutely, not looking away from the knife on her coat. "I do not like feeling like this. It is... frustrating." She hoped that whatever it was they had her on was not something she needed for a length amount of time, but would wait until she got home to question the doctors about it. People at the sanctuary had a habit of not asking questions, or simply not caring. Andrea had become a fan of it wholeheartedly.
The dreams were another matter entirely though. One she understood well enough. Her short time spend with Aura had shown her that seeing something horrible would always be ingrained in your memory... It had taken a lot of time for the nightmares from that event had stopped, and she had only been slightly involved. "...I hope so, but I do not intend to run from this. Running has only gotten me into trouble so far..." She turned her face to him finally, and managed a muted smile.
"You were right you know... about a lot of the things we talked about. It is silly of me to cling to something I believed before coming here... I have changed much since then." Changed... and possibly reverted back again. She felt very much like the frightened mouse she had been when she stepped off the boat.
Only now she didn't desire to run anymore. "I am sorry for losing my temper... You were only trying to help me." She tried to smile, a true smile, and only ended up grinning goofily. It was a good thing that she couldn't see herself.
“You don’t worry about that right now, okay? You leave that to me. We’ll figure it out, I promise. You need to get yourself well.”
She nodded, again, but his words didn't help to alleviate her stress. She didn't wish to push her problems on Jorge, not without him at least knowing the full story behind it all. "Jorge... I-" She paused, then shut her mouth. He had a lot on his plate already... she had basically just told him that there was a killer on the loose, and where to find one if his victims. She'd wait and tell him about her legal status later.. "...I appreciate that you are here for me. I hope it is not, um... inappropriate of me to say that... I think of you like a father." No... even more than a father. A true friend. Laying back again, she clasped her hands over her stomach and closed her eyes. She was starting to feel sleepy again... like a nap would be glorious.
"I will be better in no time, you will see." She smiled, and nodded off again.