Voltaire's Future plot character.
Character's real name: Malik Lostarot
Codename/Alias: Voltaire
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Nationality/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Personality: His work in warzones made him even more to himself and shy then he normaly was. He refuses the help of others most of the time and wants to work alone so nobody else will get hurt. He can be cold at times of battle but normally he is very kind. He is still very driven and competitive.
Notes (Hobbies, Phobias, Worries, ect.): He enjoys reading a good book and listening to all sorts of music. He likes to play the piano and make drawings. He is a bit afraid of getting to close to a person and making social contact.
Allegiance (Good, Bad, or Neutral): Neutral
Everyday clothing: He wears his power suit without the stimulating patches and a black pants. Making him look like the wears a long black shirt and pants.
Uniform (Optional. Required if eventually becoming part of the X-Men): His power suit with everything one it
Pajamas: His power suit
Hair color and style: mid-long white hair
Eye color: Green
Height: 1,76 cm
Build: Skinny but muscular
Scars: none
Tattoos: none
Piercings: A short spike just in the middle of his lower lip (above his chin) (Removed by the government)
Description of ability(ies): He can build up energy into his body and use it to make blasts of energy. He can shoot his blast from anywhere on his body but, he mostly does it from his fist as he tends to go into close combat. This energy charge makes a red electric aura over his body and the blast tend to come out as a red, electrical shock. The blasts however don’t shock their opponent but makes some kind of small explosion on impact. When charging his energy his eyes turn red. The haywhire virus boosted his powers beyond his limits and made him discharge allot more powerful then he would before he got infected.
Cons (weaknesses) of ability(ies): If he doesn't wear his power suit he can't keep his powers and bay and he becomes dangerous to himself and everyone around him
Fighting style (if any): Hapkido, cqc
History of your character the last 10 years: When Voltaire was infected with the Haywire virus things got out of hand. He started discharging his powers like crazy and he became very volatile and dangerous for himself and the people around him. His powers changed his hair color from red to white. The government noticed this when he discharged his powers and wanted him put into custody because of him being a global threat. They designed and created a suit for that would harvest this power that just seeped of his body and turned it into stimulator's that enhanced Voltaire strength, speed and agility. The suit also used his powers to power all kind of devices like: Night vision, thermal vision shielding and healing (at a faster rate then normal but not instant). The suit is completely black with grey patches located on his muscles. The serie number on his chest says: GotPS:004. The suit covers his entire body until his neck. From there the jaw piece begins that covers his lower jaw and ears. Attached to this part is the bulletproof face guard that can be moved to the top of his head like a motorcycle-helmet's visor. The jaw piece also houses the vision devices that he can put over his eyes completely. The visor has 3 red lenses over every eye giving him: Night vision, thermal vision and normal vision. He is also equipped with 4 vibro-knives and a vibro-sword. The suit has one failsafe device: It can inject the Haywire virus into Voltaire for just 1 time only to boost his suit even further. The only problem is that it can only be used once in it's entire lifespan and they don't know if the suit can fully handle Voltaire's power at that rate. Voltaire can decided when to inject it and the suit contains the virus within his body. The protective and stimulating patches and jaw piece of the suit can be removed to give him a more casual look while they still keep his powers in check (though he can control them better now). The government trained him to use the suit and trained him to become a stealth agent. Because of his training with the suit he greatly increased his powers and control over them. He also trained in: Gymnastics, CqC combat, stealth operations and firefights. He finished his training in 3 years and then he was deployed in varies situation where the American government couldn't legally be. He was mostly deployed into stealth mission like: Civil war's in the middle east. 7 years after Voltaire was taken into custody he found out that legally this project didn't exist so he escaped. The government wasn't to happy to see there prototype suit walking away but legally they couldn't hold him there. They still try to capture him in some situation to try and “convince” him to come back. Now he is roaming around, hiding for the government. Working 9 years in warzones made Voltaire even more to himself. He is now able to kill if he finds in necessary without regretting it. The upside of this is that he can now touch people and try to live a normal life.
(A little peak at what his suit is supposed to look like :
xs225.xs.to/xs225/08131/raiden851.jpg)Future profile stats.
(first number is without using his suit, second are with)
Physical Strength:12/17
Mental Strength:8
Mutated Strength:22
Mutated Control:12
good/evil: 0